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The most important disappointment of childhood, isn't it?
Everyone is talking about the goggles but my pet peeve is the stirrups. What giant legs is this saddle tailored for?
A basic model of how I would make a rideable ghast.
Spring To Life Drop FAQ

The new update Spring To Life will be released on March 25.

What time will it be released?

There is no fixed time. Releases are staged to be available for all supported platforms on or after the announced date - Tuesday 25th March 2025 - and will be released around the world at some unspecified time in your time zone. On most platforms, you should be seeing the update becoming available already. If not, please be patient. All supported platforms will be receiving an update.

Most previous updates were released around 5 PM CET/CEST. See here for your local time zone.

What features are not included?

Experimental features like: Villager Trade Rebalance, Redstone Experiments and Minecarts Improvements are not included in this update.

What features are in this new drop?

* New Mobs: Cow, Chicken and Pigs Variants spawning in cold and warm biomes.

* New Blocks: Leaf Litter, Wildflowers, Bush, Fireflies Bush (making fireflies particles at night), Cactus Flower, Short and Tall Dry Grass

* Leaves block now spawn leaves particles

* Lodestone recipe is being modified

* Cartographer Villager is being updated to sell more maps

* Fallen Trees now generate in Java

* Spawn eggs texture has been updated!

See more details on the wiki

Can the new features generate in my old world?

Yes, as long as you explore new chunks.
now i want the dragon egg to be useful TwT
I tried giving the Happy Ghast a more classic-style texture, just for fun
Unironically, a floating mob that you can stand on would fit an End Update
OFFICIAL Crafting Recipe of the Dried Ghast [via Bobicraft - Content Creator who playested the Happy Ghast]
Mobs multiply by breeding, not by crafting. Ghast should NOT be craftable, it makes zero sense and undermines the lore
2025/03/29 00:23:13
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