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I spent the last 24-48 hours trying to understand why people in our community decide not to vote.

The only reasonable answers I got were centered around the individual having a moral highground by not participating in a corrupt system.

While I personally agree with the sentiment that the system is corrupt, I also can't see a collective benefit by a few % not voting.
All it does is help our shared enemies.

Leading up to the election, I will be encouraging people to put aside their pride for one afternoon and vote, for the collective benefit. If they don't, minor parties and independents have less opportunity to make a difference.

Share this with your friends, save this image in your phone and post it into comment sections when appropriate.
The TruthTruck is back on the road with a new message 😊 There's a website to back this campaign up

We are completely voluntary and non profit. Our small team of ordinary people have delivered many important messages to the Australian public. Every cent donated goes directly to funding the campaign. Donations can be made by Bank Transfer

Account Name: Walter Mellado
BSB: 083376
Account Number: 547471455

If you would like to sponsor a billboard or other advertising please contact us directly at [email protected]
ATTN; Western Australia

Tomorrow is D day

I'm so sorry that we were unable to provide much help leading up to the WA election. We are working on something for the federal election, but it's not ready yet. Joel Jammal also hasn't done his usual How-To-Vote cards because he was out of the country recently.

I found this resource from a lady named Sharon Cousins, who always provides help on every election.

I hope you find this resource helpful and good luck with finding good candidates to vote for.

At least Tony Burke is using his position to rightfully ban visas as well.

This man preaches positively about Hezbollah, a terrorist/militant group in Lebanon.

I believe in free speech BUT a distinction must be made between freedom of expression and speech compared to VIOLENT and DANGEROUS speech.

I feel like I keep having to justify and explain the difference to people. (Or maybe they’re just trolls trying to ‘trip’ me up).

Free speech does not include speech that condones or encourages death, murder and/or war! That’s is NOT free speech.
Be honest. Would you watch a weekly news show that ONLY reported on positive and encouraging stories of victory and unity?
Anonymous Poll
These results scream one thing loudly…liberals have lost their way!
They stand for nothing, they’re no longer true opposition, they need to read their founding values and start implementing them again.
If they don’t, most of this country will become a labor/green government.
I’ll be here.

In the upcoming federal election, I will be supporting campaigns that focus on voting out sitting green MPs. The last thing we want is a hung parliament with greens having balance of power.

Focusing on these key electorates makes this achievable and we can focus our energy without burning out. It worked in Prahran bi election so let’s keep that momentum up.

See you there. #putgreenslast
Anyone know where to find them? Do they even exist?
Who here clearly understands how to and will PUT GREENS LAST??? If you need clarity on what that means, comment and people will tell you. #putgreenslast
Anonymous Poll
I will
I won’t
Another COVID tyrant disappearing into the sunset without justice. BUT he’s only 53…we have time to see karma catch up with him.
Oh really? What a shock…not
2025/03/11 03:32:36
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