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𖥔 Dek femme yang terpilih, @YooJihmin

Berikut adalah jawaban kak butchy untuk pertanyaan yang sudah kamu berikan:

🪄 • 01. pastinyaa kita harus coba sesuatu yang baru, ataau yang belum pernah kita coba. Tapi, yang pertama gue bakal coba obrolin sama lo, apa lo mauu ngelakuin hal yang baru? atau mau buat sesuatu yang bisa bikin hubungaan kita lebih harmonis, hangat. Kita bisa obrolin dulu bareng bareng kalau emang kita ngerasa hubungan kita udah flat, ngebosenin. kalau udah, baru deh kita coba lakuin beberapa hal, kaya ngelakuin sesuatu yang belum pernah kita coba, kaya nonton film, tukeran playlist, mangkal bareng ( dreamfess, hoka ) bisa tuh sambil tukeran cerita yang sekiranyaa belum pernah diceritain. Atau, kita bisa obrolin sekaligus nginget-nginget kenangan kita waktu pertama kali ketemu, pertama kali pacaran, pertama kali suka dan sebagainya. Ini juga bisa numbuhin lagi rasa cinta yang mungkin sebelumnya udah mulai pudar. Gue jugaa mau kita lebih sering ngabisin waktu bareng, dengaan bertukar cerita kaya yang gue bilaang tadi, itu juga bisaa jadi salah satu cara biar hubungan engga flat flat banget. Ini lumayaan penting nih, jangaan lupa buat selalu apresiasi, hargai dan kasih pujian buat pasangan kitaa, mau dia ngelakuin apapun ( yang penting sesuatu yang baik ) kita harus bisa menghargai && ngasih pujian, kayaa misalnya "kamu hari ini cantik bangeet deh, akuu makin cinta" semacam begitu lah. Pokoknya gue bakal berusaha biar hubungan kita gak flat. Penting untuk ingat bahwa setiap hubungan mengalami pasang surut, dan dengan usaha bersama, hubungan bisa menjadi lebih kuat.

🪄 • 02. Gue tau, kalau mood kita tuh gak bakalan selalu bagus ataupun oke. Ada waktu dimana kita ngerasa cape, stress, badmood, dan kalau lo lagi ngerasain hal itu, gue gak bakal ngejauh ataupun ngehakimi lo. Gue bakalan coba buat jadi orang yang bisa ngasih kenyamanan, dan ngasih dukungan buat lo, kalau emang lo lagi mau sendiri, gue bakalan ngehargain itu, dan ngasih lo waktu buat sendiri. Tapi, gue bakalan tetep mastiin kalau gue bakalan selalu ada buat lo, kalau lo butuh tempat cerita, ataupun berkeluh kesah, gue bakalan jadi pendengar ( pembaca ) yang baik buat lo, gue juga gak akan maksa lo buat ngelakuin hal yang bisa bikin mood lo makin buruk, yang penting buat gue, yaitu ngeyakinin lo kalau lo gak sendiri, dan gue bakalan selalu ada buat lo. Karena, dalam hubungan yang sehat, kita gak cuma ada waktu bahagia, tapi kita juga ada di waktu sedih ataupun terpuruk. Dan disaat lo badmood kaya gini, gue bakalan coba bantu naikin mood lo, mungkin gue bakal ngasih lo beberapa hadiah yang bisa bikin lo mendingan, long-text atau semacamnya, gue gak akan ragu buat ngasih dukungan buat lo, biar lo gak badmood lagi.

🪄 • 03. Gue yakin, setiap orang itu punya kesibukan yang berbeda, begitupun lo. Kalau kesibukan itu bikin komunikasi kita berkurang atau memicu perselisihan, gue gak bakalan langsung ngambil kesimpulan negatif atau ngerasa di abaikan. Gue bakalan coba memahami keadaan lo, dan nyesuain diri sama situasi. Gue percaya, kalau dalam hubungan, fleksibilitas dan pengertian penting banget, jadi kalau emang kita mulai ngerasa renggang karena kesibukan, gue bakalan coba nyari solusi, kaya nentuin waktu khusus buat ngobrol, atau ngabisin waktu bareng meskipun bentar doang. Guejuga bakal mastiin kalau kita harus terus ngasih kabar satu sama lain, biar gak ada kesalahpahaman. Buat gue, yang penting bukan seberapa sering kita komunikasi, tapi seberapa tulus dan berkualitas komunikasi itu.

࣪˒ ›› Butchy dan femme yang terpilih akan diundang ke sebuah grup pemantauan PDKT. Jangan lupa untuk patuhi rules yang berlaku dan pasang hashtag di display name sesuai ketentuan. Semoga hubungan kalian berakhir dengan baik~ ((✦))
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Untuk DOM khususnya cowo/seme yang mau play bisa langsung start bot @fylregist_bot untuk mengambil format. Semua sistem (DES, CON, UKE, AMO, CAS, ENC) telah dibuka.

⎙ NOTE : Regist butchy (FEM) open jam 20.00 WIB yaa!

Click 🔮  ݈݇- to get more information.
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JENG JENG JENG, camatt malam Fylours, capa yang  mau punya pacar cungg?? aku bawain kakak ganteng nih tapi musenya apa yaa....
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   🔎 PART 25.677

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adakah yang kenal dengan kakak ganteng satu ini?? pertama di lihat ganteng, lama lama di lihat makin terpesona ~~~ ntah malaikat mana yang menyamar, GO GO GO, dapatkan hati kakak ganteng dengan kecantikan kamu yang maniss
Nama panggilan : A handsome man from another world is heading to earth to find his lover. the man's name is SULLIVAN STORM, has prepared both physically and mentally to face every mission with the Spades. Using Sea Dechchart as his main avatar ( but i'm temp as sky wongrave ), he's ready to face everything that comes his way.

Sifat ke pasangan nanti bakal kaya gimana : Halo, selamat malam semuanya. I'm not kind of person yang bisa describe semua tentang diri gua, but I'll try my best, so pls read this carefully oke? Siapa tau kalian tertarik jadi orang yang nempatin top 3 priority gua hahahaha. Kenalin, nama gua Sullivan Storm kalian bisa panggil gue Ian. Kalo kalian typical orang yang suka kasih pet name, boleh banget bilang ke gue. Oh ya, kita lanjut ke personality gue. [] Pertama, gue percaya banget MBTI, gatau kenapa MBTI bisa jadi topik yang menarik banget buat gua, fyi MBTI gua INFP, ga pernah berubah, gua udah test sekitar 10 kali karena gabut, hasilnya tetep sama. Kurang percaya sama zodiak, but if u trust them, zodiak gua. Gua emang anak extrovert but sometimes, ga sometimes sih, gua selalu awkward kalo ketemu orang baru, that's normal right? but u don't have to be worried, karena gua anaknya gampang buat nyambungin topik lo bahkan gua bakal jadi talkactive kalo udah deket atau nyaman sama lo. Have a low sense of humor, aka my humor is really short-circuited hahaha. I'm the man of a mirror, that doesn't mean I'm a mirror, it's just that I'm a son who is really easy to adjust to the person I'm talking to. So, if you want to use gua-lu, aku-kamu, umi-abi, mama-papa, umma-abah, ayah-bunda gua mah ayo ayo aja. But mostly, when it comes to my girlfriend I prefer to use aku-kamu. I'm really a person, I feel like a real breaking news reporter, I like to randomly tell you that you've done this or are doing this, you've met this or you've seen this. I also like (fake) my pap muse to talk to you or to let you know what I'm doing. Fast response type of person, if I consider you as someone special or my girlfriend, you will be on my priority list after mother. But, no one said I can't be slow to respond, I'm a child who likes to sleep and often falls asleep and often plays outside too, so please understand. I'll let you know before I leave, so don't worry. Good listener and I have received approval from my friends, because I basically like listening to people tell stories rather than me telling them, so I guarantee I will listen to all your stories, even if it's a small thing, because if you tell the story it will be a big thing for me. I will reply to all your BBC, I will try not to be less and if possible more WKWKWK. I can be 1001 people for you, I can be your boyfriend, your friend, your brother, your diary, I can even be your house, or I can be mama dede so I can give you advice? BISA GUA MAH, as long as it doesn't become a sacrifice, I can do it. I'm a man who gets excited easily, especially when it comes to my girlfriend hahaha, so sometimes I'll be a keyboard smasher and a broken caps lock user, especially if you're clingy. F*CK IT'S SO CUTE, is crazy. I'm the type of bf who really likes to appreciate everything my girlfriend does, even the smallest. Yes, you could say that my typing will be really stupid if I'm already stupid, really stupid. Besides, in my opinion, there is no reason not to be proud of my girlfiend. I really like chatting with my girlfriend, spending time together or whatever is important with him, if I'm busy I'll just have time to ask "how's your day? Are you happy today? Answer this question using grass code" WKWKWK, don't you? Grass code is also just a joke. One that doesn't run away from problems and doesn't zone out from the intro or even ghosts when it's time to choose. I like people who speak highly, I like her who has high confidence, but doesn't keep talking about things that are obvious and keeps praising herself using those words, just like the saying goes, a great person won't admit she's great and keeps talking about it over and over again as if she's the only one who's the best.
great in this world, by self-confidence I mean confidence that it's okay to be insecure, because it could hurt you. I'm a little confident, I can hit all love languages for you 😎 but if we talk about the love language which has the highest percentage in the test, then the word affirmation and quality time. I prefer a Love-Dovey Relationship, but yes, I also like it when my boy is annoyed or sulking because I tease him, so I will be able to compensate if you like Love-Hate, I can do both. I'm the biggest fan of meow aka cats aka meng aka the boss of us all hahahaha 🐱❤️ if you like cats too, get a free pass from me. Gua juga kangenan banget, kalo gua lagi chatan sama lo atau lagi kangen karena seharian ga chatan paling ga suka kalo di tinggal dan kalo pun ditinggal gue bakal spam nyariin lo, so if u feel uncomfortable sorry yaa, gue bakal kurangin. Easy to get jealous and posessive type of bf ngl, karena lo punya gue, yang berani toel toel lo gue bikin planga plongo kaya 🙈 asli dah. but, don't worry, i know my limits kok. Gue suka banget band band Indo atau lagi dari musisi Indo, contohnya kaya Maliq & D'essentials, Sheila on 7, Payung Teduh, Dewa 19, Tulus, Hivi, Ran, The Overtunes, Feast, Hindia, dan masih banyak lagi. But, i also suka banget sama lagunya One Direction, Wave to Earth, CAS, Arctic Monkey, and niki song. I like watching horror, thriller and action genre films. The film that is my favorite now is Run (2008), if I'm not mistaken, the title is basically a thriller, so I want to talk about my favorite films or music in the introduction because I already told you about it in the intro. I can be a father figure for you, listen to all your sad and happy stories, can be a firm figure who teaches you to always be disciplined about time and many things. I'm the type of person who's good to talk to, I'm good to talk to about our relationship or anything you like. Sometimes I can play until late at night like I don't remember coming home, but sometimes there are positions where I will stay at home all day and sleep all day. FYI, I fall asleep easily and feel sleepy, especially when I'm in college. I'm sometimes really clingy to my partner, especially when I'm tired, when I'm tired I'll become spoiled and talk to her a lot about my day and our relationship. I'll learn to treat you like a princess, I'm not the type of person who will run away from problems, I know when to apologize or when to be grateful, I also know how to ask my partner for help. I'm an adult, mature enough to be your partner. Sometimes I look fierce, I won't force you to do something I want. If you are in a confused position, I will give you advice, but all the decisions you make depend on you, I will not force you to follow my advice, I am happy if you dare to make your own decisions and can think about what is good make yourself. I can hear all your complaints about anything, come on, whatever you want to complain about with me, I will listen. I honestly don't like people who easily think negative things about anything, not just about their partner, especially about self-confidence and people who always think they are ugly. Oh ya tmi, gua suka davina karamoy, vonny felicia dan gua harap lu ga masalah tentang itu.

Kriteria : I like mature woman, a woman who can think and behave maturely. Talkative and talk a lot, everything is discussed with her. Who knows about what makes her happy and what makes her sad, what she feels comfortable with and what makes her uncomfortable. I like extraordinary woman who can understand how the world works that are not stuck in the same place and every path must have twists and turns that cannot be imagined and often feel very heavy. Clingy, who is clingy but knows the time. Gua suka orang yang gak pernah lupa sama kata "maaf, tolong dan terima kasih". Yang gak sibuk dan selalu punya waktu ngeluangin buat ngabarin gua, yang suka ngasih tau lagi dimana, dan izin pas mau off lama. Yang kangenan, suka ngasih love letter, cute message, yang suka spam terus yang kreatif dapet poin plus.
an understanding person, so he can understand me when I'm busy with something.

Pesan untuk cewe yang akan kepilih : I honestly didn’t expect to get you, but I guess the universe loves surprises, huh? Hehe. Since we’re here, let’s make the most out of this moment. No need to be too serious—just enjoy and have fun!. I hope we can talk a lot, maybe share some random stories, and who knows? This might turn into a core memory. Jadi jangan jaim- jaim ya cantik, Just be yourself, and let’s create a little story that’s worth remembering.

Sifat pasangan yang bikin ilfeel : Never Saying “Sorry,” “Thank You,” or Other Basic Manners – Someone who never apologizes, never expresses gratitude, or lacks basic courtesy can come off as arrogant or disrespectful. These small words hold a lot of meaning in a relationship—they show appreciation, accountability, and respect. When someone refuses to say them, it feels like they take everything for granted and lack emotional maturity. Overly Controlling and Possessive – A person who is too controlling can make the relationship suffocating. They constantly monitor, demand explanations for everything, and don’t allow freedom or personal space. While it’s natural to care, excessive control shows a lack of trust, which can eventually make the other person feel trapped rather than loved. Too Dramatic and Overreacting – Drama is exhausting, especially when someone constantly turns small issues into big problems. If they overreact, create unnecessary conflicts, or always play the victim, it can feel emotionally draining. Healthy relationships require calm communication, not constant emotional turbulence. Not Open or Communicative – A person who refuses to open up can make things difficult because relationships thrive on honesty and communication. If they always keep things to themselves, avoid discussing feelings, or never express what they truly think, it creates distance and confusion. It also makes problem-solving harder because one person is left guessing all the time. Always Wanting to Be Right (Self-Centered & Stubborn) – Someone who always wants to win in every argument or refuses to acknowledge other perspectives can be extremely frustrating. A relationship is about compromise, not competition. If they always insist on being right and dismiss other opinions, it shows selfishness and a lack of respect for their partner’s thoughts and feelings. Ghosting or Disappearing Without Explanation – A person who disappears without saying anything, especially during important moments, shows irresponsibility and a lack of emotional maturity. Ghosting is disrespectful because it leaves the other person confused, hurt, and without closure. Even if someone needs space, proper communication is key—suddenly vanishing only creates trust issues and emotional damage. I remind you, this behavior can also make a relationship toxic., exhausting, and unsustainable in the long run. Healthy connections require mutual respect, understanding, and open communication.

Nama mantan rp yang diinget : -

Target pacaran impian berapa lama : Honestly, it’s not about how long, but about how meaningful. Tapi kalau ditanya target, I want something real, something that lasts. Bukan cuma hitungan bulan atau tahun, tapi hubungan yang bisa bertahan sampai kita sama-sama nggak bisa bayangin hidup tanpa satu sama lain. I’m not looking for just a temporary love—I want a forever kind of thing. Kalau kita bisa grow together, support each other, and still choose each other every single day, then that’s the kind of relationship I’m aiming for.
Gimana? Menarik, 'kan kakak ganteng nya ?? YA JELAS DONGG NAMANYA JUGA COGAN FYL jelas sudah terbukti keaslian nya . Chica yang tertarik sama Chico ganteng  yang Jievaro bawa bisa ketik:

                 “ wanna join ♡

Di comment yaa. Inget jangan spam, oke?
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Sekarang kakak nya bakalan kasih beberapa PERTANYAAN nihh, yuk di simak pertanyaan nya dibawah ini yaaa!

01. If one day we have a conflict, what will you do to resolve the conflict? Do you think you will involve other people in our problem or not?

02. Describe me according to your point of view and what song do you think suits me?

03. What if I don't reply to your message in a few days?

Dijawab yuk, cantik! Send jawabannya ke komentar aja yaaa. JANGAN SEND APAPUN SELAIN ITU, JAWAB NYA YANG NIAT DAN SERIUS YA, INGAT JANGAN OOT. Semangat!
fylours kalo bisa memiliki satu kekuatan super, apa yang akan kamu pilih, soalnya kalo di fikir tuh kaya seruu ga sih???
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Next one, chico nya bakalan ngasih kalian TANTANGAN nihh. apaa yaaa kira-kira tantangannya? Let's see.

DARE : Jujur, gua bingung mau kasih dare apa, so I’ll let you decide. Bebas, kalian mau buat apa aja, I’m totally fine with it. As long as it’s something you put effort into, gua pasti bakal appreciate it banget. So, surprise me!

Kirim hasil buatan kamu sendiri ke KOMENTAR. Jangan copy-paste milik orang lain, kalau kamu melihat ada yang copas bisa cek #.PENGADUAN untuk mengajukan laporan.
kalian pernah ga sih, lagi nge stalk orang rendom yang cantik atau ganteng karena suatu hal tapi malah ga sengaja kepencet telepon []😔
2025/02/23 16:22:26
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