Humans are obsessed with escapism. Through movies, books, musics, art, daydreams.
Our souls really weren't made for this world.
Our souls really weren't made for this world.
They asked him, " you went on to say ... what punishments of God are not gifts? Do you really believe that?
Then he said
It's a gift to exist.
And with existence comes suffering. There's no escape from that. If you're really grateful for your life, and not everybody is and I'm not always, then you have to be grateful for all of it. You can't choose what you're grateful for.
Then he said
It's a gift to exist.
And with existence comes suffering. There's no escape from that. If you're really grateful for your life, and not everybody is and I'm not always, then you have to be grateful for all of it. You can't choose what you're grateful for.