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The long awaited Buyback Single staking pool is now LIVE!! You can now stake BOO and receive xBOO in return as receipt of your deposit. xBOO continuously earns a portion of trade fees (0.03%), paid out daily, and xBOO can always be redeemed for BOO at a ratio of xBOO : BOO, this ratio continuously increases.

NOTE The primary way to get xBOO is by staking BOO, there is no official liquidity pool at launch for the xBOO token itself.

. For more information on xBOO read the docs here:

xBOO contract: 0xa48d959AE2E88f1dAA7D5F611E01908106dE7598

But that's not all! We have a made a few improvements to the site such as:

- Farm APR now includes trade fees, hover for the breakdown
- Swap has a new 50% button for easier Liquidity Providing
- GTON, BOMB and xBOO have been added to the token lists
- Order card now has minimum received like as shown in swap
- deposit/withdrawal modals made consistent
- and more!

And finally, the single stake emissions of the existing farm has been reduced by 50%. Hooray for decreasing BOO inflation! As such, the duration of IFO has also been extended from a previous end date of around ~July 28th, to ~ August 21st. We will provide an exact time update as it is based on the moment it was decreased.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support of BOO and SpookySwap and look forward to the future as Grim always has more tricks
We added a small feature today to help everyone manage their tokens in their wallet! If you open the currency select list, you will now find a purple + with a circle around it, click that button to add that corresponding token to your wallet! This includes our newly released xBOO. Enjoy everyone and look forward to more announcements this coming week, BUIDL never stops here at spooky.
A wild BOOst has appeared! Stake your BOO-FTM spLP on to earn extra BIFI! The bonus APR goes live today, after depositing to the vault on beefy, you have to deposit your receipt token here to get the BIFI rewards:

Thanks to Tomb.Finance for sponsoring the boost and for hosting it! Check them out they're pretty great
Our Certik audit has passed with flying colors! We're now the first native protocol on Fantom that has passed security checks by Certik!

No Critical Findings
No Major Findings
No Medium Findings

Certik has audited for Pancake, Uni, Aave, Tether, and a whole lot bunch of other projects. You can find out more and find Spooky on their leaderboard here:
Official #SpookySwap #NFTs are now for sale! You can use $ZOO to buy one of five Mirror Ace NFTs on
More $BOO site asset NFTs will be available soon!

A new Bot has been added to our Discord's #💰crypto-pricecheck channel, AlphaBot! This Discord bot provides several financial data commands like prices, charts, volume, market heat maps, and more! Check out the pinned post in the Discord channel #💰crypto-pricecheck for more information.
Hey @everyone,

:fountain: We now have a faucet to for free FTM gas:money_with_wings: ! Now if you find yourself gasless after bridging or accidentally swapping all your ftm away, you can:

1. send "!faucet" in the Spooky server
2. send "!withdraw yourwalletaddress" as a direct message to @Fantom Tip Bot
3. Wait for the faucet to run

If a brother:cat_smiling: /sister:cat_smiling: is confused, you can lead them to the Docs:

Thank you @youngseebi for making the faucet, @24 dollars | Kasper Neist #1 Fan and @Oogie for your donations. Your names are hereby :dagger: carved on the :fountain: public fountain/faucet."
Hi @everyone, if you didn't see our Twitter announcement, SpookySwap is launching our first #BuildOnOpera contest!

Our development teach privately reached out to Fantom Foundation to involve their team in the newly announced contest, due to the content of our giveaway being focused primarily on growing the Fantom network. They generously agreed to match our initial prize of $2000 in BOO with an additional $2000!

We’re excited that this contribution will encourage more content creators to participate and show the strengths of the Fantom Opera network to even more members of the crypto community.

• Contest dates are from 16:00 UTC June 21st to 23:59 UTC July 12th. We’ve extended the duration of the content in order to promote high quality submissions.
• To submit, entrants must mention the official SpookySwap Twitter account in a tweet with their infographic, guide, or informative video submission (or a link to their submission) attached, and include the #BuildOnOpera hashtag.
• No NSFW submissions will be eligible.
• You must be following the SpookySwap Twitter account to enter! We will need to DM you for your MetaMask wallet address if you are a winner.
• Submissions may need to provide proof of their original content in order for the submission to be verified.
• Winners must provide a MetaMask wallet address, privately to our development team, to receive a prize.
• Multiple submissions per Twitter account are acceptable.
• Submissions that focus primarily on Fantom Opera are eligible, however submissions must reference SpookySwap to be eligible. SpookySwap does not need to be the focus of the submission.
• Judges for the contest will be the SpookySwap development team, as well as a special guest judge!
• We will be judging based on quantity of the information, quality of the information, and effectiveness at promoting Fantom Opera.

More contest information is available on our Medium:

For discussing the contest or submissions, please use the new Discord channel #🏆build-on-opera-contest
The newest #SpookySwap development update is now live on our Medium

Read about accomplishments made during the past month, as well as future developer plans for using $BOO to #BuildOnOpera

We'll continue to grow $FTM with new #DeFi capabilities!
Hey @everyone!

The full historical data for SpookySwap's analytics is now live. Check it out at ! The full data goes back to April 17th, our initial DEX launch date. :tada: Enjoy the peak into Spooky History :cathat:

Thanks for everyone's support and we will have more information on our next feature very soon!
hey @everyone !

A small website update was pushed that allows you set your slippage on the remove liquidity section, and to also choose to receive wFTM instead of FTM when withdrawing liquidity. This function helps when trying to remove liquidity for tokens with high taxes on transfer, such as RDT.

So those of you having issues removing RDT liquidity, set slippage to ~10% and be sure to check the box "Withdraw into wFTM"

Thanks all!
Surprise! Our latest feature is now live and it’s… a SpookySwap Bridge! Powered by Anyswap, this bridge was made as a more tailored and easier to use experience for Fantom Opera. All the tokens you are used to bridging with Anyswap or Multichain can now be bridged right on SpookySwap.

Our team made the decision to build an improved bridge in order to further our goal of making SpookySwap the forefront of Fantom DeFi. The onboarding experience for new users should be easier now and we are excited to help bring new users to Fantom!

The bridge can be accessed at

For a guide on how to use it go here:
To read our medium article on it go here:

Let us know what you think in Discord or our community telegram and we hope you enjoy an easier bridging experience. Stay Spooky everyone!
Now that the secret BRIDGE feature is out of the bag... During the last few weeks, Spooky's had a few other updates!

1. We've reduced our RPCs queries by roughly 90% Less RPC requests, higher chain speed!
2. Thanks to the bug reports from the community, we've refined the bridge and other site functions soon after the bridge launch
3. Added toasts for better user feedback
4. Continued partnerships with Tomb and listing new projects, Atari ($ATRI) is now on the bridge

We'll also be using the Discord #🐈updates channel for small feature release announcements and fine tuning in the future.

What's cooking this week:
Additional Features:
1. New NFTs
2. NFT sales round 2

Main roadmap Features:
1. Expert trading

Tell us what trading tools you like to use in our community Telegram or Discord!
Get your laboratory ready, five limited copies of our Erlenmeyer Cat NFT are now available for sale on the Zoo marketplace!

More official BOO NFTs will be released over time so follow Twitter and Discord closely for when they're announced!
KEK is here and has been whitelisted on both the bridge and the swap page! The SpookySwap bridge now supports $KEK on the $ETH network, with already $80,000 in liquidity in the KEK-FTM pair for swaps!

KEK holders enjoy several benefits on such as detailed trading analytics and customizable modules!

Thanks all!
Version 2.0 of our limit orders is now live!

- Limit orders now include setting orders below market price
- Incorporated full limit order functionality for mobile users Mobile phone
- You now have to approve the token you are swapping from, this change fixed the issue with mobile and is more secure in general.
- Orders now save as cookies to support cancelling orders when the subgraph is down
- Minor bug fixes/visual changes across the site

Thanks everyone and enjoy the much easier way to catch those dips!
Thanks to Reaper receiving 50 retweets on their SpookySwap promotional tweet, the compound fee for all SpookySwap crypts on Reaper has been reduced to 1% for the next 30 days!

Thank you to everyone who retweeted. We hope you enjoy the reduced fees!
The SpookySwap team has published our 4th development update to Medium!

Read our plans for the upcoming month, our thoughts on the SpookySwap bridge launch, and how we're using BOO to encourage others to Build On Opera!
Hey @everyone !

Our next governance proposal is now live!

Should we add an wETH-YFI farm and lower FTM-WOOFY?

FTM-WOOFY has been under performing in volume relative to its farm allocation so we'd like to bring back yearn's other token, YFI, as it was higher volume back when we had a YFI farm while simultaneously lowering FTM-WOOFYs weight to be more inline with its volume.

We also propose to use this chance to try out our first non-FTM pair, branching into an eth based pair. wETH-YFI is a very popular pair on Ethereum so we believe it will be here, as well.

This change results in no dilution of other farms.

FTM-WOOFY 1.8x > 0.8x
wETH-YFI 0x > 1x

Vote now to make your voice heard!

Let us know what you think of the proposal
2024/09/29 11:26:03
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