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Here's some more information about Stegos's Gamified Proof-of-Stake system, including how it keeps the network secure and decentralized by incentivizing ALL users, regardless of holdings.

You'll also find some figures on what you can expect to earn while staking. 💰💎💰

It's the moment you've all been waiting for: our first official exchange announcement! 💎💰💸

From 9am UTC today (Jan 16th), you'll be able to deposit to Bithumb Global. Trading (STG/USDT) will go live from 9am UTC tomorrow (Jan 17th).

Sign up to Bitthumb Global here:
Bithumb Global listing delayed until further notice to support private payments.
We've upgraded our wallet and updated instructions to deposit STG onto Bithumb Global. Stegos transactions are private by default, with an opt-in ability to make them public. Bithumb had not properly built out support for private transactions, which could have put user funds in danger. Find the newest wallet version, and read more about proper protocol to trading on Bithumb here:
Bithumb Global deposits are open again!
Trading is now live at Bithumb Global! 🎉🎉💸📈🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

If you plan to use this exchange, make sure you have the latest wallet and read the following article, which explains the new public payment feature.

Latest wallet (v1.2.1):
Forwarded from Joel Reymont
Ladies and gentlemen,

The times they are a-changing! I wanted to say that “The winter is coming” but I truly believe that the changes afoot are long-term positive for the Stegos project and for the community.

One the one hand, Stegos AG, the Swiss company behind Stegos is running out of money (I explained the reasons in the AMAs in the news section of our website). On the other hand, it’s proving to be impossible to work within the current regulations by the Swiss and Liechtenstein authorities. Witness the full KYC/AML requirements for the staking pool!

There’s barely enough money (fiat and ETH) in the Stegos treasury to to finish the mobile app. I already laid off the majority of the development team with just 2 developers remaining. Without additional financing, I will be the sole developer and maintainer of this project. Rest assured that I have the development chops to pull it off but prepared for development to slow down!

I plan to shut down Stegos AG in Switzerland and transfer the project into community management. I will remain as the BDFL aka the Benevolent Dictator for Life and the unifying force behind Stegos. I will continue to develop and maintain Stegos, at my own expense.

With Stegos, I would like to return to the original Bitcoin ethos. There’s no company behind Bitcoin, no entity thats subject to regulations. This is the true way, the only way for Stegos to realize is privacy and anonymity potential and to fully protect you from surveillance! Let Stegos to be the truly private cryptocurrency that’s beholden to no government!

To speed up development, we’ll need to establish a development fund. This fund would then sponsor the implementation of Stegos Improvement Proposals (SIP) of the core blockchain, as well as new applications.

This will require the design and implementation of the Stegos Governance System, a way for the community to vote on each SIP. Any person or entity should be able to propose a SIP and the community should be able to vote for or against each proposal, as well as the disbursement of funds to finance the implementation.

Tentatively, only active or inactive validators wirh stakes will be able to vote and each token in the stake will count as one vote. This matches the PoS consensus that Stegos implements.

Now, there’s what the roadmap looks for 2020 and a bit beyond. I didn’t want to stuff the roadmap with blockchain technology just for the sake of technology but to keep it practical and useful. We have an excellent foundation to build upon and I want to take full advantage of that!

So we will...

• Release a mobile app. This will be just a wallet at first, without any chat capabilities. We are very excited to get it into your hands as quickly as possible and make sure it works as well as we intended!

• Add chat functionality to the mobile app, including private one-on-one chat, as well as groups and channels, just like in Telegram but absolutely private.

• Add red envelopes. This is our key marketing features that’s designed to stimulate demand for Stegos tokens and boost the number of installations of our mobile app.

You will need to scan a QR code to open a red envelope, something that almost any smartphone can do these days. These codes can be printed and stuck on walls and lampposts. They can also be shared digitally.

When scanned with the smartphone without the Stegos mobile app, the QR code will direct you to the website where you can download our application. When scanned with our app, the red envelope will open and tell you whether you have won any coins and how many.

You can open the red envelope as many times as you like and don’t need any tokens in your wallet to do so. Red envelopes are a great way to get free tokens to use for chat and payments.

To keep users interested in your Telegram or Stegos group it’s should be sufficient to drop a red envelope into it from time to time.

Continues here
Forwarded from Joel Reymont
Begins here

• Implement ads in red packets. These will be moving GIFs that open a link to a website when clicked. The ads will be shown during the brief delay when opening the red envelope. The delay is to solve a hashcash puzzle and is implemented to avoid the blockchain being spammed with envelope opening transactions.

Users or companies will be able to create red envelopes and include ads for their goods or services.

• Add a decentralized “Stegos Bulletin Board” on the Stegos blockchain. This will be a central place for uses to anonymously advertise their services or goods for sale. The services are applications running on or connected to Stegos nodes that receive Stegos private messages, reply via messages and, potentially, charge a fee for processing requests.

Both the listing and consumption of goods and services will be done completely privately and anonymously, same for the implementation of the services themselves.

• We will expand our existing node API and documentation, e.g. adding examples in various programming languages. All this to make the implementation of anonymous and private services as easy as possible.

• Implement a mobile node. This will be a node that runs on the smartphone in your pocket and can validate and earn block rewards. Unlike a full node, the mobile node will only keep the active UTXO set (tokens that can be spent). Mobile nodes will rely on full nodes for bootstrapping and loading the initial copy of the blockchain.

It’s unlikely that the mobile node will be able to earn the VSA since it’s unlikely to be connected and validating all the time. Still, it’s a convenient and easy way to earn block rewards when connected to WiFi and electricity.

• Implement pruning of old blockchain data and transactions. This will require deep research and a complex implementation likely involving zk-SNARKs или zk-STARKs.

• Implement the block explorer.
The Stegos mobile application has broad utility that services individuals worldwide. Take a look at different ways our private messaging feature empowers everyday people!
2024/09/29 22:50:23
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