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Add the logo from your device. Adjust the visible area of your image. Congratulations! Now your Telegram channel has a face Click “Save”.! The initiatives announced by Perekopsky include monitoring the content in groups. According to the executive, posts identified as lacking context or as containing false information will be flagged as a potential source of disinformation. The content is then forwarded to Telegram's fact-checking channels for analysis and subsequent publication of verified information. Find your optimal posting schedule and stick to it. The peak posting times include 8 am, 6 pm, and 8 pm on social media. Try to publish serious stuff in the morning and leave less demanding content later in the day. Your posting frequency depends on the topic of your channel. If you have a news channel, it’s OK to publish new content every day (or even every hour). For other industries, stick with 2-3 large posts a week. Add up to 50 administrators

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