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Forwarded from 太古細哨
1227 太古城戲院門口 1豬停泊 約10軍裝(2白8藍)落地巡邏
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1235 太古城戲院外 1巡東行向西灣河冇閃
Forwarded from 太古細哨
#太古 #整合
1230 1eu (ptuz 1/1)停 英皇道 east hotel 對出
1豬 (ptuz1/2) 閃停 英皇道 moviemovie 對出巴士站
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1239 英皇道康山5外東行線 1衝停泊
AM7466 PTUZ1/1
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1235 太古城戲院外 1巡東行向西灣河冇閃
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1244 一豬 (ptuz 1/3) 太古城道muji對出 停泊
1242 油街1EU (E1/4)轉出英皇道向銅鑼灣方向駛去
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1242 太古城戲院外 1衝放低1白軍裝落地 向西灣河駛去
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1245 太古城戲院外 1黑衫男被ss
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1247 更新 已放行
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1248 太古城道muji 1衝1豬停泊
衝AM7266, PTU Z 1/1
豬AM7228, PTU Z 1/3
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1248 太古城道muji 7PTU 沿太古城道巡邏
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1249 英皇道黨鐵E出口 約10軍裝戒備
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1254 太古城中心商場內4樓5樓 有可疑人直
特徵:孭背囊 有耳機 深色衫
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1254 太古城戲院 8-10軍裝駐守
Forwarded from 太古細哨
1254 太古城中心商場內4樓5樓 有懷疑便衣 孭背囊 有耳機
感謝大家大約8個月嘅陪伴,今日721,會係我地太古和你lunch搞嘅最後一個活動。若果沒有你們,太古和你lunch亦無法順利推行,因為另一個Admin A因私人理由退出了和你lunch,而另一admin 亦要應付人生的一大困難,而被迫退出,希望我們能在不久的將來再見
光復香港 時代革命
五大訴求 缺一不可

Admin會係聽日0000 del太古和你lunch嘅gp同channel係不會再使用
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 1 month. If it remains inactive in the next 7 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 1 month. If it remains inactive in the next 10 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
2025/02/26 03:54:50
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