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Hey Everyone!

Okay so this is kind of what's happening behind the scenes and I chose to address some things today. This is kind of a one post many things in it and I chose to address some of the things!

Q: Why aren't we posting content regularly like we used to before?
A: Initially, developers are still adapting and fixing stuff on Android 12. More than that, our team has been busy lately in their personal lives. Our content team isn't quite active for now but we don't plan to take in more content writers at the moment too.

Q: Why do we keep posting launcher stuff?
A: Well, our icons making Team, Saitama himself are working on the Pixel Launcher Mod project and it's an original work by all of our icon designers, Saitama and MrSluffy. We're also doing lawnchair too where ios7jbpro and our icons team work on it.

Q: Where are all the cool apps, vendor apps, audio mods etc.?
A: We'll soon update and post those too but as I said above, our team has been quite busy lately

Q: When will we be back with all the guides and stuff?
A: We can't say at the moment but I hope we'll be back soon hopefully.

Q: Why don't we reply on PM's and stuff?
A: Speaking about Saitama, he's uninstalled Telegram from His Phone and using Telegram Only on his PC for a few days, as for me, I've been quite busy with my boards, exams and practicals and I'm only replying to people who've tagged me in common groups.

Ig I've addressed some of your commonly asked questions. As for some of the people who've pm'ed me or Saitama, we'll get back to you sooner or later as possible. Thankyou!

Stay Safe,
Address to all the controversies surrounding us

Recently, we've been getting hate from other people. What is happening is whenever we post something, some people forward posts to other groups and call us out for our actions! I agree, kang isn't a thing which should be normalised but we make sure that we give proper credits if we post things by others or to Projects as well as to People who've helped us in our Original Projects, we do not steal any credits and we even edit posts after posting if we feel credits are missing. But sadly, some people are being too toxic about it.

We can't handle this level of toxicity by some of the people, I've seen people calling us #TeamGays and other stuff like that. Hate is acceptable upto a certain extent but toxicity isn't acceptable. I'm done dealing with all the toxic people and comments regarding us, if you hate us, feel free to leave groups and channels from our fed but do not spread toxicity to other groups and feds where we aren't even related.

Moreover, if you feel that any of the content we post isn't appropriate or credits are missing or something, contact Me Or Saitama in our Group or PM's Only rather than tagging us or calling us out in other groups, we'll happily respond to you and give credits wherever nessasary if they're missing. If you want us to take any post down, we'll do too (if the post isn't appropriate) but this toxic behaviour should be stopped.

People should understand that we're humans and we make mistakes at times too, I won't say we're perfect, rather nobody is, but if you're being toxic over our mistakes or towards us, then we can't accept that. We are stressed too, our personal lives matter too, we have many things going on in our lives too which we can't talk about openly, afterall it's an online platform and we can't share our personal things here. But after many many days of ignorance, I decided to speak about this.

Thanks for all the love and support you've been giving us and we hope to serve you better in the future ❤️

~ Arnav and other Admins at #TeamFiles
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Media is too big
Hey Guys. A person on telegram told me that someone is making pixel launcher mod recovery flashable with a weird host file inside it. I'm here to announce that TeamFiles isn't associated with this. You & only you will be responsible if anything happens with your device or if it connects with any server.

Please only use magisk module or official recovery flashable maker by Clicking Here.

Use any other recovery flashable script at your own risk. We won't be responsible for anything if something happens with your device or your personal data.
A Short notice to all the channel owners!

We request all the channel owners to not repost our Pixel Launcher Mod without our consent on your channel. Our Developers work hard on the Pixel Launcher Mod, Our Designers work hard on those icons day and night and we host it on our Pling so that all the people who are working behind the Pixel Launcher Mod get their credit.

As shown here, some of them have also been modified and TeamFiles does not take responsibility if anything happens to your device. Official Pixel Launcher Mods by Us have been tested in the testing group and aren't released to the Public before testing.

Except for @PixelLauncherRecovery, no other channel has taken our consent and we've seen them reposting our Pixel Launcher Mod. If you want the Recovery Version of our Pixel Launcher Mod, I'd suggest downloading from here or making your own using the guide and our Toolkit.

So we request you all to not repost our launcher and if we found you reposting our launcher, strict actions will be taken against you and your channel.

Note: You Can Forward Post from Our Channel or Repost with Original Links, please do not repost files though.

TeamFiles Core Team
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Greetings, all!

@GoriLovesYou here with a long winded update post.

Sorry this is so long. Please read if you want to know what's going on with our Pixel Launcher project. This long post is a one time exception and will be reserved for another channel after this one.

Many many apologizes for my absence all week. Not looking for pity or anything, but just for information, I have health issues, and it has kept me from working on the Pixel Launcher project as much as I would've like to these past few days. I am feeling better right now and am going to be hard at work for you guys!

June's Android patch and official Pixel Launcher releases have thrown a wrench in things, and there is much work to be done. Currently, the version that is available is patched by @saitama_96 himself, and is hopefully working for you. I haven't had a chance to dig through the code of this version yet myself, but I am getting to it right now and incorporating changes into my own work. Saitama's v9.3 of Pixel Launcher MOD is still available in the same places. Check this post for more on that.

The future of Pixel Launcher MOD is in my hands now, and I hope to release some things for you guys very soon. My illness the past week really put me behind where I had wanted to be with this project. I want to let everyone know that going forward, Pixel Launcher MOD is being renamed to indicate it has changed hands and to better distinguish it from other works with similar names. I will be releasing my work under the name Pixel Launcher M, which will also appear as Pixel Launcher M in your apps list with a new app icon. It will, however, retain the same google package name and will not be able to be installed alongside the original. This is required for some features to work as intended.

Pixel Launcher M will post major releases to this channel. If you just want to know when the latest version is out, you can still check right here, along with all the other projects tracked by #TeamFiles.

However, if you want to see development notes and be made aware of betas and test builds where you can help me with development and problem solving, please join me on the launcher specific channel and group, @PixelLauncherM and @PixelLauncherMchat. There you will be able to see up to the moment information. I will post more details like this post there and you can provide feedback about test versions there. I will in the future reserve posting to this channel only with major, finished releases as to not bother people who are not interested in participating in tests.

For simplicity, I plan to do away with the many different versions of Pixel Launcher files with confusing names. Pixel Launcher M will have one installer, no matter your desired features or your Android version or whatever else. It will all be one installer. Pixel Launcher M will start out with only a few features and a brand new updated base to the code, but will over time have many features that you guys have requested. It just takes time to add everything as I am mostly working alone. @iamlooper and @saitama_96 are still here, but they have their own work and have many responsibilities themselves. I promise though that all features in Pixel Launcher M will be optional. You will be able to use it exactly the way you want to use it. Options will either be a choice while installing or will be togglable in the app settings. I won't make large feature changes without giving you a choice. I also fully intend to support Android 12.0 and Android 13. My apologizes though, I do not plan to support Android 11 or lower. Sorry to say, but it is time you update your phone.

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I also want to let you know that I am aware there is a desire for recovery flashable versions of Pixel Launcher M. For now, the recommended 3rd party source for this is @PixelLauncherRecovery, as they are doing great work to provide updated recovery versions. Soon I hope to make the recovery version part of the SAME PACKAGE as the Magisk module, so there will be one download only, no matter what features you want or what installation method you need. This may pose some difficulty down the line if I use root to allow some features, but I will do my best to provide all features to non-root recovery users as much as I can.

The only alternate version of Pixel Launcher M that is planned is going to be Pixel Launcher Classic. This is a version for those of you that simply want Google's Pixel Launcher on your phone, and don't care about all the changes I'm working on. Just a module or recovery flashable way to install the Pixel Launcher as a system app. These will include some necessary files to make the Pixel Launcher work on your phone, as well as a few stability and performance tweaks that we have made so the Pixel Launcher is better compatible with non-Pixel devices. Besides that, it's just Google's Pixel Launcher. These versions are much easier to make and can be released quickly, and with a small file size relative to the full Pixel Launcher M set of options. That is why I have chosen to retain this ONE alternate version.

Because of the changes with June updates, I have a lot of updates to do. I will be releasing things as soon as I possibly can. I'm so excited to share my work with you guys.

Releases are moving from Pling to GitHub in the future. The only place to download Pixel Launcher M will be my GitHub page. This will be where you can find Pixel Launcher M releases, betas, tests, recoveries, Pixel Launcher Classic, and any other future versions, as well as changelogs and installation help, once I have everything put together. Sadly, because of the way Pixel Launcher M is a modified version of Google's code, it is not in anyone's best interest to attempt to post the code to GitHub. I will, however, provide guidelines to assist you if you wish to do something with the code yourself. I will offer tips and tools to put you on the path to make your own Pixel Launcher mod if that is what you wish!

Thank you for indulging me in this very long post. I will now get back to work for you on Pixel Launcher M.

All the best to you,

I'm here to make an announcement today. TeamFiles is growing. So does our list of developers, admins, artists & moderators. Some are working on specific projects like launchers, website, themed icons, lawnicons and so on. I wanna thank you everyone who is joining with us and making a better community. But unfortunately With Great Numbers Of Groups & Members, Comes Great Controversies. So yeah we are making some Ground Rules for our admins & our fed admins.

If some of our admin bans you or fedban you without any reason or personal grudges then let us know from ur different account. Send details on @fileschat.
If our admin is being racist or hurting your feelings without any reason or any argument then also let us know about it.
Remember there are rules for users too. If you don't follow them then you can get a warn or a ban. Make sure you follow these rules. You can find users' rule @fileschat. Type /rules here.

These Admin rules apply to all TeamFiles Members From Our Collaboration Groups & Channels, Admins, FedAdmins. Make Sure you follow these rules from now on. I know we have done some mistakes in past. But we are constantly growing and learning. If any of our admin doesn't follow rules including me @saitama_96 then they will be forever banished from TeamFiles.

Stay Safe,
Hey Folks 👋🏻

Hope you're having a great day, we have a few amazing Announcements today!

- Starting up, we recently hit 27k Subscribers on our channel, which I never thought we'd achieve in such a small amount of time, we really thank y'all for your support

- Now for the part which you were waiting. Yeah, we're finally ready and excited to launch our own website. You can go and check out our website at
We'd really like to thank Looper, Nameless & Gori for their amazing work on the website.

- Oh yeah, We Now have a Discord Server!
Make sure to join in :D

Link to our Discord Server

That's all for now, we really thank our entire TeamFiles Community and you guys for your love and support. We hope to see you all on the discord server.

Arnav and Saitama
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1 or 2. Your choice will be final for Osiris Variant's Glance.
Anonymous Poll
Hey everyone! 👋🏻

Had to do an urgent announcement since we've noticed some people/groups/channels using "TeamFiles" in their group name to get clout and popularity.

We're making it clear that we do not associate with any groups/channels which do not come under or are not mentioned in @filesfederation. If you're not sure and the group isn't mentioned there, you must check if any of our approved admin panel exists in their group as an admin.

If you want to join our fed and become a part of TeamFiles, the only way is to contact Me or Saitama and take our approval/permission before adding TeamFiles to your channel's/group's name.

Henceforth, we'll be taking strict actions against people who'll be using "TeamFiles" names in their groups/channel without our permission.


Co-Founder, TeamFiles.
⚠️ ALERT ⚠️

People have started sending malicious zips (again) in the form of recovery flashable zips (such as zips to get new fonts for example) that will brick your device.
Be aware of what you flash on your device. Stick to flashing ROMs/ZIPs from people you know.

You can trust us and every zip file posted on our channel and on our download index. Do NOT flash zips from people who claim these are from TeamFiles or any of our channels, unless they're forwarded from our channel. If you're unsure about a zip forwarded from a person, you can search that same file from our channel and download it from our channel/download index. Also please report to any of our admins immediately if anyone is sending malicious zips by our name in our chats/any channel and we'll take actions against them instantly, upon verification.

We're making it clear, TeamFiles does not take responsibility for any bricks or device damage whatsoever for all the people who are flashing zips which are not from our channel. Do not blame us for any device damage, all the files uploaded in our channels are safe to flash, tested, scanned and verified before uploading.

TeamFiles Management.
Heyy Everyone! 👋🏻

We have updated some rules for our federation, do note that these set of rules will be enforced with effect from 1 June 2023.

Do note that the previous bans will stay as they are, unless a user specifically requests unban upon which your request will be taken into consideration by our Fed Admin Panel.

New Set Of Rules
Our Federation Admin Panel

Co-founder, TeamFiles
2025/03/07 02:55:24
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