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What would you like to see in the next update of pytgcalls?
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Private Calls
Group Video Calls
Telegram 7.9

— Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers
— Screen sharing has been added to 1-on-1 calls as well
— Sound from your device when broadcasting in any video call

And more
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Already added repositories with the badge:
- tgcalls
- gram-tgcalls
- gotgcalls
- ytdl-core-telegram
- remix
and more...
pytgcalls v2.0.0. Smart pointers, updated tgcalls with webrtc and more

The dependencies have been updated to the latest versions. The updated Telegram tgcalls now has the ability to work with group video calls. Wait for the next major update. A lot of work has been done in this update to improve communication between Python and C++ tgcalls via binding. Fixed all problems with pointers. C++ native instances are now fully deconstructed correctly.

- There is no RuntimeError now. New exceptions: PytgcallsError, CallBeforeStartError, NotConnectedError, GroupCallNotFoundError;
- set_is_mute method is async now. You need to call it with await statement;
- isGroupCallStarted native method was renamed to isGroupCallNativeCreated.

- print_available_playout_devices and print_available_recording_devices methods of GroupCall now deprecated and will be removed soon;
- add get_playout_devices and get_recording_devices methods to get information about system audio devices (names and guids);
- add ability to change outgoing audio bitrate (outgoing_audio_bitrate_kbit argument in constructor of GroupCallFactory);
- add new native methods to implement right flow with stopping and destroying instances (stopAudioDeviceModule, startAudioDeviceModule);
- switch to smart-holder version of pybind11;
- migrate to smart pointers in main parts of Python binding.

- Improve debug logging messages;
- rework waiting from sleeps to asyncio events;
- fix invalid reconnects by adding pre_update_processing to join_group_call with setting ssrc before handling of updates;
- fix displaying of mute status in group call for another participants;
- fix group call deconstruction from Python;
- fix issue with memory de-allocation;
- fix issues with pointers.

Happy coding ❤️
Ability to record Video Group Calls will be added in the next Telegram update (8.0)!

After the update, there will be three ways to record voice chats:
- only audio
- portrait
- landscape

In the screenshots above, you can see icons of the two new modes
pytgcalls + windows = ❤️

Starting from v2.0.0 there is native support of Windows x32 and Windows x64. You don't need to use WSL anymore. Just install prebuilt binary wheels from pypi

pip install -U pytgcalls
Since Telegram 8.0 video calls will be available in channels 🥳
Test Group Video Calls with unlimited viewers

The test will take place today, August 28 at 14:00 UTC. We will be testing using the beta apps for Android 8.0+ and iOS 8.0+ (including iOS TestFlight).

The test will take place in Telegram Public Testing channel. Join link:
Video Calls in pytgcalls! Public beta test for developers

There are 3 steps to start testing:
1. Install dev version of pytgcalls (pip install -U pytgcalls==3.0.0.dev19)
(2). This step only for pyrogram developers. You need to remove pyrogram and install it from GitHub (pip uninstall pyrogram && pip install git+
3. Add new line in your codebase of bot await group_call.start_video('test.mp4')

Instead of 'test.mp4' you can put path to any video file or live stream via rtcp protocol, for example! Also it works with youtube-dl

Happy testing ❤️
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Live Streams and Video Chats in Telegram 8.0

Naming of Group Calls was changed. Now Live Streams in channels and Video Chats in groups. Also both support unlimited viewers!

Read more about new update...
New dev version of pytgcalls. You don't need FFmpeg anymore!

Added support of audio from video source and new the most simple interface to interact with Live Streams (Group Calls). You can pass direct URL, link to live stream, path to file and so on without any extra manipulations! Video works in channels since Telegram 8.0.

Operation System idempotent. Windows, Linux and macOS. Good lip sync still in progress.

Example with 3 lines of pytgcalls code:
tgcalls pinned a photo
Telegram was updated to 8.1

As you may have noticed, the function of recording live streams was not included in the Telegram 8.0 update, but it was presented in 8.1!

And besides that added chat themes, a list of people who have read your message, and more...
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Серия обновлений связанных со звонками, групповыми голосовыми чатами и прямыми трансляциями закончена или что-то ещё ждать? Поддержка ботов?)
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2024/10/13 10:25:26
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