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MEON has reached 1,000 followers on X.

We want to express our gratitude to all those who've contributed, and particularly our stalwart graphic designer: @Aire_Images.

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Lambasting “the insistence on balancing competing viewpoints” she worried such an approach would encourage “the identification of conservatism with truth.”

Required reading for anyone asking why Ireland has ended up in its current form.
We understand that Public Order Unit are assembling in riot gear in the vicinity of the airport, with several armored vans.

Likely to be headed towards Swords or Thornton Hall to clear the way for more plantation "asylum" centres.

#ThorntonHall #Swords
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"With transhumanism, gene editing, and AGI on the horizon, the importance of The Island of Dr Moreau has metastasised"

Ulick FItzhugh examines transhumanism, biological decay, and primitive jurisprudence in H.G. Wells' 'The Island of Dr Moreau'.
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"Have you forgotten the House of Pain?"

Didn't catch MEON's latest article?

Interested in early 20th century perspectives on matters ranging from biological degeneration to genetic engineering?

Check it out:
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"An Ulster Unionist in the immemorial Orange tradition of: Desmond Tutu, Conor Cruise O’Brien, and the Falls Road’s finest, Boris Yeltsin."

The 2nd edition of Fragments exposes notable alumni of the Orange Order and illustrates the Culchie Meat Grinder.
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"[T]he town, once the abode of the Yola brood, has been subject to the Jackeen Great Replacement."

Didn't catch MEON's latest article?

Interested in reading the work of Tyrrelstown's finest troubadours?

Believe that the Midlands needs 1 million Haitians by 2027?

Check out our latest piece:
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"Immersion posting consists of chicken fillet rolls, interjecting 'ah shur Jaysus' and immersion induced paranoia amongst menopausal midlands mammies."

Part 1 of Stamos' analysis of Immersion Posting, a kitsch comedic trend perpetuated by millennials.

Crowd of over 1000 march in Dublin against immigration chanting "Get Them Out." Hopelessly outnumbered antifa contingent protected behind police lines at the junction of Grafton Street and Nassau Street
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"Immersion Posting possesses a Hobbit mentality; its purveyors recede into the comfort blanket of kitsch before the prospect of grandiosity"

Part 2 of @Stamos analysis of the millennial obsession with Immersion and Chicken Fillet Role jokes.

“Oasis could never have existed, been as big, been as important, been as flawed, been as loved and loathed, if we weren't all predominantly Irish.” - Noel Gallagher

Lanklet Dev's latest lore installment...
2024/09/22 06:38:12
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