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Life isn’t how you paint it

It’s the way you color it

Macam mana nak kekalkan fokus audience pada kita?

Ini menarik.

Siapa kat sini yang bila dia bercakap kat depan je, orang pelan-pelan mula rasa mengantuk lah, main handphone lah, nak pergi toilet lah, and...

eh macam-macam lah perangai keluar. Hahaha.

End up kita yang rasa frust. Terus trauma taknak bercakap kat depan dah.

Ada? Dont worry. Meh saya kongsi 1 trick 😹


Perasan tak, kenapa kita boleh hadap handphone berjam-jam lamanya tanpa rasa mengantuk?

Agak-agaknya kenapa eh? 🤔

Simple je. Sebab bila kita main handphone, ada 1 hormon tau yg terhasil dalam otak kita iaitu, dopamin.

Apa fungsi dopamin?

Untuk buatkan kita rasa “rewarded”.
Rasa orang sedang perhatikan kita.

Itu yang kita rasa syeronok tu bila tengok je story ig kita, ramai orang yang view, like banyak, komen meriah dan sebagainya.


So, apa kata lepas ni kita apply dalam Public Speaking kita juga?

Formulanya, buatkan orang rasa “rewarded”.


Contohnya :

“Baik. Along the way nanti saya ada nak bagi duit raya kat korang tau kalau korang boleh jawab soalan saya. So make sure korang enjoy the moment and lets see, siapa yang bertuah! 🤩. Hehehe”

Trick-nya :



Gunakan tricks ni. Inshaa Allah, sangat membantu public speaking anda.

Dapat sesuatu? 😇
Cer komen ciked. Ehek.
Hiduplah seperti bawang.

Bawang itu, dihiris-hiris, disakiti, tapi tak pernah menangis.

Bahkan orang yang menyakitinya, itulah yang menangis dengan lebih lagi.
Ini jemputan kali kedua saya bersama UTM.

Waktu sesi pertama itu hari, alhamdulillah mereka sangat berpuas hari.

Sebab tu nama program kalini, “THE ADVANCE OF POWERTALK”.

Sebabnya, harini kita akan kasi up satu lagi level kepada level advance. Hehehe.

Jadi lepas bincang dengan penganjur, mereka berbesar hati untuk sponsor orang awam untuk sertai sama.

Tanpa melengahkan masa, nah. Saya berikan link siap-siap.

Kita jumpa dalam kelas jam 9 nanti ya 😁

Picit link di bawah untuk sertai.

Boleh share sikit contoh opening dan closing dalam situasi perkenalkan diri?

Thanks 👍🏻


Oh. Ini seni yang sedikit berbeza.

Saya bagi contoh ya.

Bayangkan kita sedang nak buat public speaking, sebuah talk tentang “mental health” dihadapan mahasiswa.

Cara untuk memperkenalkan diri paling ringkas, sediakan :

- Hook
- Intro
- Close

Contohnya :


Saya ada soalan.

Kalau lah ada orang yang datang pada anda, dan dia katakan...

“Baik aku mati jelah dari terus hidup macam ni..”

Apa yang anda akan buat?

*sambil menghela nafas..

Hadirin sekalian, inilah pengalaman yang saya lalui beberapa tahun yang lepas, dan ianya sangat memberi kesan dalam hidup saya sampai ke hari ini. (Hook dengan persoalan)

Perkenalkan, saya Amer Deen, seorang kaunselor yang nak bantu seramai mungkin manusia untuk keluar dari kesedihan.

Dan hari ini, saya ingin berkongsi kepada anda tentang, Rahsia Hidup Bahagia.

Moga membantu 😊
Tiap kali rasa marah, stress, terbeban, geram, sedih dengan sikap orang lain pada kita, pesanlah pada diri sendiri ;

“Dunia ini hanyalah pentas wayang, dan semua yang ada di dalamnya adalah pelakonnya.

Mereka hanya memainkan watak masing-masing, dan kelak wayang ini akan tamat bila tiba masanya”

Usah terlalu tertekan, kerna akhirnya, semuanya akan sirna binasa.
Apa yang kita boleh belajar dari SUPERMOON malam ni? :)
Amer Deen (MAGIS)
Rujuk di sini untuk recap 👌🏻
Amer Deen (MAGIS)
Dah nak dekat setahun rupanya.

Ada yang rindu “AIMPACT FM”? 😂
Amer Deen (MAGIS)
Dah nak dekat setahun rupanya. Ada yang rindu “AIMPACT FM”? 😂
Sempena setahun..


Tak lama lagi..

AIMPACT Live akan kembali..

Dengan versi yang lebih fresh dan updated..

Lebih banyak story, inspirasi dan kajian terkini..

Rasanya la 😹
Malam ni, cuba amalkan untuk mandi sebelum tidur.

Niatkan sewaktu kita mandi untuk buang semua “kekotoran” dan negativiti hidup kita dari awal pagi hingga ke malam.

Bayangkan semua “kotoran” tadi mengalir pergi, dan kita bersih kembali.

Nampak simple, alahhh... Mandi jer kot.

Tapi bila dah buat tu, kita akan rasa lapang dan semua masalah kita hari ni, kita tak akan bawa pada hari esok.

Esok, kita bangkit kembali dan mulakan hari yang baru sebagaimana yang kita nak/design.

Best kan? Nampak simple, tapi boleh bawa perubahan yang besar pada hidup kita. Inshaa Allah 🖤

Cubalah 😊

Selama ni aku bernafas sekadar berlalu. Tanpa aku sedar yang nafas aku sedut bersama oxygen dan setiap hembusan beribu orang bayar di hospital.

We take for granted.

Sebab nak bila- bila boleh dapat. Tanpa aku sedar setiap sedutan dan hembusan nafas itu sangat bermakna.

Dengan bernafas sedalam nya buat aku BerSyukur, aku masih boleh bernafas hari ni. Masih boleh lihat orang sekeliling yang aku sayang.

Aku juga berada dalam waktu sekarang. Tanpa masalah hanya ada in present moment. Seolah waktu aku bergerak amat berlahan. Berdetik satu persatu. Seolah apa yang aku nak buat bermakna. Sedetail perkara.

Dan paling aku dapat merasai setiap hembusan nafas ku, Allah yang izinkan. Aku sekadar sedut ke dalam tanpa aku buat apa- apa di dalam yang gerak kan jantung mengepam, otak berfikir untuk alir darah ke seluruh tubuh.

Dan kerja aku hanya sedut dan hembus saja. Semua yang lain Allah yang buat.

Takde daya dan upaya aku. Tiada satu pun kerja aku. Malah udara pun aku pinjam.

Aku cuba untuk baiki semuanya as a basic. Aku mula dulu ya.


Breathing in ( 4 saat )
Rasa kan setiap tarikan udara masuk dari hidung mengalir masuk merasai penuh ke dada tahan (2 saat )
( Sebut Allahu )

Breathing out ( 4 saat )
Rasai penuh di dada keluar kan melalui mulut. Lega. Sungguh. Segala masalah aku hilang bersama.
( Sebut Alhamdulillah )

Breathing in harmony
( Allahu )

Breathing out and smile
( Alhamdulillah )


Breathing in present moment
dalam waktu sekarang. Rasakan.

Breathing out in beautiful moment.

Begitulah cara untuk aku mencari dan mendapat ilham.

Be quiet and busy with myself about 10-20 minutes every morning.

I deserve to get it.


Semua orang makan tapi betul ke kita makan sebetul-betul makan.

Itu yang aku sekarang praktis kan.

Ya. Banyak cabaran nya. Kadang sambil makan aku scroll media sosial. Sambil makan aku tengok neflix malah sambil makan aku tak menikmati sebetulnya makanan.

Tahu- tahu habis.
Tahu- tahu tak sedap lah, terlebih manis lah, kurang rasa lah.

Tanpa aku fikir di sebalik satu-satu hidangan nak ada depan aku waktu tu, seluruh alam
bersatu padu untuk menjadikan bahan, kepada makanan.

Contoh nya daging. Nak sampai depan aku sekarang beratus ribu orang di perlukan untuk adakan daging depan aku.

Dari segi penghantaran, penternak, anak lembu , penyembelih.. Allah. Itu baru daging belum nasi lagi.

Alam juga turut menyumbang dari segi garam, hujan, dan matahari yang berputar.

Allahu. Begitulah rezeki yang Allah dah simpan untuk kita.

Sampai saja depan mata, setiap moment dan setiap suapan, hargailah. Boleh menitis air mata.

Mulai saat ini aku berjanji bila makan, aku makan bukan sekadar makan.

Tapi makan sepenuh hati. Makan dengan rasa makan. Setiap suapan demi suapan sehingga ke akhir suapan.

Kerana aku tahu kasihnya cara Dia jaga rezeki aku.
The DOSE of Happiness
Found this story in my archive, author unknown. I adapted it for easy reference. So, here it is, a story I call "The DOSE of Happiness..."

As he sat in the park after their morning walk, his wife came and slumped next to him. She had completed her 30-minute jog. They chatted for a while.

She said she is not happy in life. He looked up at her in sheer disbelief since she seemed to have the best of everything in life.

“Why do you think so?"

“I don't know. Everyone tells me I have everything I needed, but I am not happy."

Then he questioned himself, “Am I happy?”

"No," was his inner voice reply.

Now, that was an eye-opener for him. He began his quest to understand the real cause of his unhappiness, but he couldn't find one.

He dug deeper, read articles, spoke to life coaches but nothing made sense.

At last, his doctor friend gave him the answer which put all his questions and doubts to rest. He implemented those and will say he is a lot happier person today.

This is the man’s findings which we all can reapply.

The doctor friend said there are four hormones which determine a human's happiness - Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins.

It is important we understand these hormones, as we need all four of them to stay happy.

They are nicely arranged into an acronym DOSE…

The first hormone is Dopamine. In our journey of life, as we accomplish many little and big tasks, it releases various levels of Dopamine.

When we get appreciated for our work at the office or at home, we feel accomplished and good, that is because it releases Dopamine.

This also explains why most housewives are unhappy since they rarely get acknowledged or appreciated for their work.

Once, we join work, we buy a car, a house, the latest gadgets, a new house so forth. In each instance, it releases Dopamine and we become happy.

Now, do we realize why we become happy when we shop?

The second hormone is Oxytocin, is released when we become close to other human beings.

When we hug our friends or family Oxytocin is released.

Similarly, when we shake hands or put our arms around someone's shoulders, various amounts of Oxytocin is released.

Now, we can understand why we need to hug a child who has a bad mood.

The third hormone, Serotonin, is released when we act in a way that benefits others.

When we transcend ourselves and give back to others, or to nature, or to the society, it releases Serotonin.

Even providing useful information on the internet like writing information blogs, answering people's questions on Quora or media social groups will generate Serotonin.

That is because we had used our precious time to help other people via our answers or articles.

Last but not least, let's look at the fourth hormone - the Endorphins. When we exercise, the body releases Endorphins.

This hormone helps the body cope with the pain of exercising. We then enjoy exercising because these Endorphins will make us happy.

Laughter is another good way of generating Endorphins. We need to spend 30 minutes exercising every day, read or watch funny stuff to get our day's dose of Endorphins.

So, it is simple, we have to accomplish little goals and get Dopamine, we must hug our kids, friends, and families to get Oxytocin, we need to be nice to others to get Serotonin and finally we have to exercise every day to get Endorphins.

Get enough DOSE of happiness and we will be happy. When we are happy, we can deal with our challenges and problems better.

KONGSI2KAN and get your Serotonin!
Coach Zaid Mohamad

The day had arrived. This is the day that Kevin Hart must make a decision.

At 19, Kevin Hart was an upcoming salesman at a shoe store in Philadelphia. Just a year ago, he had finished high school but could not further his education because he failed his SAT. It was disappointing. For a while, he didn't know what to do. He felt hopeless.

And then he got a job to be a salesman. It was the happiest day of his life. To make it better, he discovered that the job came with a bonus after a certain number of sales. Kevin realized that he enjoyed talking to customers and convincing them to buy a shoe. Nearly every customer loved Kevin. He was witty, fast-talking and friendly. Very soon, everyone at work noticed him, even his bosses. In less than a year, he was promoted to "Floor General", which was a strange promotion for a guy who didn't even have a degree at 18. As Kevin could see, this was the most beautiful job anyone could get. He was happy. He was making some money. He could see a future for him at this store. He knew that with time he would get more promotions. This was his life.

And then something happened that upset his life.

His colleague, Alice, noticed his streak for making people laugh. She said he was so funny. She recommended that Kevin visit a comedy house to try his hand at comedy. After some dragging, he agreed and visited Laff House. From the very first night, Kevin began to shine. He made everyone laugh. They enjoyed him. After some weeks, he participated in a comedy competition that gave him $75. It was unbelievable. The Laff House manager invited Kevin to join him on other shows in other towns, but Kevin could not due to his work at the store. The Laff House manager will invite him two times again, but Kevin would give the same complaint. One day, the manager told him he had another show in another city; this was a bigger competition that comes only once in a while, and if he missed it, he might never get the chance.

This was the crossroad. This was the point where Kevin Hart had to make a choice. Comedy had no immediate promise. He may never even be paid, and at its peak, he could probably just get a few dollars, but he would be happy. On the other hand, his current job was paying him well. He loved his colleagues and customers, and his dream of being a permanent worker with Nike was the only opportunity he had ever seen. What should he choose? What should he spend the rest of his life doing? What should he pursue? Will he choose the predictable, safe route or will he choose the uncertain route? Nearly everyone in his life told him to continue with his job at the shoe store.

So, what did Kevin choose? He chose comedy. He chose to go on the road less travelled. He chose to go on the path with the least immediate reward. And most importantly, he chose the path that would make him happy! That day, Kevin Hart resigned from his job and began pursuing comedy. The first three years were hard. The hardest years of his life. But he survived. Today, he is a legend in the comedy space.

Someday each of us will arrive at this crossroads. We will have to choose what we want to do with our lives. My prayer for you is that when that day comes, you will have the courage to choose the road that will make your life purposeful, different and impactful.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
A young couple moved into a new house. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the washing outside.

"That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better soap powder. Her husband looked on, remaining silent.

Every time her neighbor hung her washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments.

A month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, "Look, she’s finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"

The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life… What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.

So don’t be too quick to judge others, especially if your perspective of life is clouded by anger, jealousy, negativity or unfulfilled desires.

"Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."
2024/09/29 21:06:51
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