Telegram Web
This might be the first war in history with what is effectively crowd sourced, original propaganda. People are just making shit up, whatever they think sounds good, it’s “and then everybody clapped”, just-so stories invented by aspirational outer party climbers. The funniest part is that most of it is so implausible that a state would never green light it for public consumption.
Right now there are stories taking place, stories of great heroism and sacrifice on the part of Ukrainians and Russians alike. But you’re never going to hear any of them, all you’re going to hear is atrocity propaganda and, at least until this is over, ridiculous stories about women taking out drones with jars of cucumbers. There probably was or is going to be some brave Ukrainian who stays behind against the relentless Russian advance, fighting like a man possessed so his guys can get out, but you’ll never hear that story. But you’ll hear about how brave the jew Zelensky is while he hides in a bunker saying “NATO PLS BRO”
The TV Race will have one of the highest kill counts in the collapse of this nation, point these people at a target, give them a gun and say that the bad guy is just like Thanos and these morons will make the Cambodian Killing Fields look like an idyllic meadow covered in flowering daisies.
Forwarded from Morgoth's Review
The amount of conflicting narratives the western media have to maintain at any one time is truly astonishing.
Like a one armed juggler on a unicycle eating a banana as he keeps ten plates in the air at once.
Forwarded from Joel Davis (censored)
This tendency in our scene for people to call all people who have a critical analysis of capitalism "Marxists" is fucking braindead and highly counter-productive. Nationalists have always supported a mixed market economy, the idea that we have to reject "socialism" as though there is some kind of absolute dichotomy between the economics of Sean Hannity and Leon Trotsky is asinine. Economics should not be a question of ideological team sports, it should be a pragmatic field. The reality is that neoclassical economics is epistemic trash, its a psuedoscuence. Its defense of deregulated "free markets" should be junked, and the only real alternative to it is mixed market developmentalism. No one is seriously proposing a Soviet-style economic system lol, even the Soviets themselves rejected it in the end.

What is more pernicious about the Marxism-panic on the Right however is that it prevents the ruling class from being properly identified. If you can't describe the financial dimension of power without being written off as a "Marxist", Nationalism's fundamental enemy cannot be clearly identified.
Such a bizarre phenomena that otherwise intelligent people seem completely unable to grasp the notion that Ukrainian soldiers might believe they’re fighting for one thing(ie. defending their country against a foreign invader because they’re good patriotic nationalists) when in actuality they’re really fighting for something completely different.

Like it or not, do you novelty take about it if you want, call people Putin shills if it makes you feel better - they’re objectively fighting so their children can get gender reassignment surgery and weird perverts can have hegemonic cultural power in their country.
Forwarded from Eric Striker
Davos/WEF is an instrument of US based Jewish finance. Conspiracy theorist misdirectors wanted people to believe that WEF is the sovereign (just like they used to do with the UN) but now this has been disproven for the idiocy it always was.

They just do what Wall Street tells them to.
Forwarded from Keith Woods
POV: your model of political analysis doesn't explain, predict, or elucidate anything and you are watching it being proven wrong in real time
Reactionary retards have always been fond of using the UN/WEF/UNESCO as the central figure in their conspiracy theories - probably because they provide an easily identifiable antagonist in their narrative that people are comfortable accusing of the bad things, as opposed to another identifiable group they don't like to talk about.
Forwarded from Millennial Woes
We're at the point where, for every issue, there is an allowed opinion and a forbidden opinion. This seems to happen without fail now. A meteor could be heading towards the Earth, and Big Tech would have a policy on what you can and can't say about it.
Forwarded from Apache’s Hangar
You may not like it, but this is what peak American political discourse looks like
You have to wonder how long the “dumb dumb” portrayal of evil can subsist against the so-called “West’s” enemies, when the explicit policy of every western nation is the ethnic and racial eradication of its own people. How long can people be convinced of crazy lunatic imperialist Putin when Western Europeans who don’t want to become minorities in their own cities are hunted down by their states for hate speech?
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich
"I didn’t know what to make of the small group of Americans Hannibal had enlisted to his cause. Due to ongoing security concerns, they will be identified by pseudonyms. For my generation, if you talk about a small team of soldiers of fortune that show up to help when no one else will, you immediately think of one thing. Therefore, these pseudonyms will be taken from one of the most popular television shows of the 1980s: The A-Team."

This is an actual quote from this Rolling Stone feature article. The bugman author gives all the members of this alleged American "volunteer" (mercenary) team pseudonyms from the A-Team and then gives all their, fictional I'm sure, backstories to justify why he named each character what he did.

"Faceman served two tours in Iraq and developed a subsequent career as an artist and actor..."

"B.A., a former cavalry officer, also served in Iraq and conducted intelligence operations targeting insurgents. He’s now a novelist..."

"Murdock is a dead ringer for a spy, with the physique of an ultramarathoner, and the unflappable aura of a Zen master."

You have to be kidding me with this shit. There are dumb dumb portrayals of evil. This is a dumb dumb portrayal of "good."
Forwarded from Tony 🇮🇹
“Kremlin propaganda.”
“No!!! This isn’t like in the stories the man who uses the lens flare told me!!!”
2024/09/27 22:16:38
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