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Do yourself a favor and learn how to walk away. When a connection starts to fade, Learn how to let it go. When a person starts to mistreat you, learn how to move something and someone better. Don’t waste your energy trying to force something that isn’t meant to be.. Because the truth is.. for every one person who doesn’t value you - there are tons more waiting to love you better. Do better.
We are all a people in need. We are not perfect. We are not machines. We make mistakes. We need grace. We need compassion. We need help at times. We need other people. And that’s okay.
Tidak ada yang bisa diubah jika kamu terus-terusan kembali ke masa lalu. Disana hanya ada luka lama yang seharusnya tidak kamu korek-korek lagi.
Often, I think when someone tells you that they need to rant, they are letting you know that they want to complain, and will feel better just by having complained. They do not want you to help them fix the problem. They do not want you to come up with a solution.
Terkenang masa lalu itu kadang bisa bikin berdarah juga ya?

Walau sudah lama, hingga kini pedihnya masih terasa.
Bukan mahu menghilang diri,
tapi masih di fasa pemulih,
Mencari kekuatan untuk diri yang dulu.
Bukan mahu menghilang diri, tapi masih di fasa pemulih, Mencari kekuatan untuk diri yang dulu.
Tapi pulih nya tiada tarikh pasti,
Mungkin aku tidak bisa seperti dahulu.
Mungkin ini semua hal hal manusia dewasa.
Dan tanda aku tidak boleh laku seperti anak kecil.
Seperti kalian yang dewasa;
Walau masih sakit tapi betah tersenyum.
Tidak seperti aku.
I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.
I know it's a hard lesson to learn, but the truth is you can't love yourself and love someone who hurts you at the same time. Choose you
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Attitudes and Mindsets that can Change your Life

1. Knowing deep inside that you are good enough.

2. Believing you can do it, and believing you can make it.

3. Choosing to be grateful when you feel like complaining.

4. Choosing to hang in there when you feel you’ve had enough.

5. Knowing each new day is a true gift and fresh beginning.

6. Valuing others, and treating others well.

7. Investing in people instead of chasing things
Forwarded from Redemption
Fear of trusting people

“Pistanthrophobia is the fear trusting others and is often the result of experiencing a serious disappointment or painful ending to a prior relationship"
Notice the people who make an effort to stay in your life
If I could, I would apologize to the sky and my room ceiling for all of the nights I’ve awkwardly stared at them remembering things I should have forgotten
Sometimes you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who never cared about losing you. Know when to let go.
If you care about somebody, you should want them to be happy. Even if you wind up being left out
Being in a relationship without love is like getting wet in the rain but never feeling it, never feeling the beauty & serenity that rain brings.
2025/02/22 20:27:27
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