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i immediately go silent when something upsets me. it's a coping mechanism i have developed over time. instead of expressing my anger or frustration, i simply withdraw and try to process my emotions in private. i prefer handling my problems on my own.
you left like i was never a reason to stay.
i walked away cause you're too busy finding faults in me, while i was too busy overlooking yours...
you knew what you're doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow it didn't stop you.. i wonder why
the worst pain is getting hurt by a person you explained your pain to.
you only miss my voice when nobody called you.
without desires and dreams, your thoughts do not matter and you can think whatever you want to.
be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.
who you spend most time with determine how you are. it's ok to let go of those who weight you down.
move on — not for anyone else, not to prove to anyone that you can, but rather, do it for yourself. do it for your future. let go of what is heavy within you. move forward with the lessons, carry them inside of yourself.
seeing myself disappearing from your thoughts was agonizing. it was the only reason i asked you to let me go. and you never did.
to my inner child —
i am sorry you never learned how the words i love you were supposed to feel, i am sorry you were ignored, i am sorry you were never told you are enough.
you broke my heart in every way a person can break someone else's heart and yet i am still here thinking of you.
i don't know what we are but i miss what we were.
with all the smiles you brought me, i never thought that you could cause me so many tears.
there is nothing wrong with dreaming, but there is everything wrong with dreaming without any intention to make the dream a reality.
the key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
does the person you want, want you ?
friends can leave you wondering why you're not good enough, what you could have done differently, or if they ever truly cared. friends can leave you feeling like a part of you is missing. they can awaken traumas inside of you that you didn't know existed, and they can trigger your abandonment wounds. friends can make you feel like your deepest secrets and your most intimate vulnerabilities are out there in the world, being carelessly held by someone who is now gone. friends can keep you up all night - crying at 2am over the loss of someone you thought was a platonic soul mate, but really, they were just another lesson. romantic love is not the only one with the capacity to shatter us. we assume friendship will last forever and we are left aching and empty when it does not. i wish someone had told me. warned me. prepared me for just how much it hurts. friends can break your heart too.
allow yourself to be proud of yourself and all of the progress you've made.
2024/07/01 07:04:42
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