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The US Freedom Convoy to DC started yesterday 2/23/22. Participants in California kick it off by singing “Amazing Grace” ❤️

Let’s go #USA 🇺🇸 #Freedom #TheWorldwideWakeUp

Follow my other channels: ⤵️

Follow: @covidvaccinevictims

Follow: @covidvaccinevictimsCHAT

Follow: @thetruthfairy

Follow: @theTruthchat

Follow: @worldwidewakeup

Follow: @worldwidewakeupchat

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Arizona firefighters hoist a large American flag as The People’s Convoy makes it way through Arizona 🇺🇸

Let’s go #USA 🇺🇸 #Freedom #TheWorldwideWakeUp

Follow my other channels: ⤵️

Follow: @covidvaccinevictims

Follow: @covidvaccinevictimsCHAT

Follow: @thetruthfairy

Follow: @theTruthchat

Follow: @worldwidewakeup

Follow: @worldwidewakeupchat

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So much is happening in the world. Are you prepared if shit hits the fan?

Off-Grid Sustainable Living Bundle Launches with 40+ eBooks and courses at $50!

Coming soon on March 18th! Available for only 9 days! Some amazing people in our truth community are pulling together all the information you need to leave the matrix and be totally self-sufficient! Sustainable living in one bundle project.

Everything from:
🌾: Organic Farming
💰: Online Income
✈️: Nomad Living
⛺️: Tiny Homes
♻️: Sustainable Living
🚀: Crypto
📴: EMF
✏️: Homeschooling
🤱🏼: Home-birthing
⚖️: Common Law

David Avocado Wolfe
John Hancock
Peggy Hall
Charles Dowding
Carly Rose Bergman
Dr. Stephen Young
Tiny House Expedition
Kombi Life
Wild Woman Mothering
+ So Many More!

Pre-register using link:
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A must have just launched today!

LEAVE THE MATRIX and learn everything you need to know from common law, homeschooling, gardening, building your home stead, online income, foraging food and SO MUCH MORE! The NWO can’t affect you, if you can care for yourself and your family.

Content from so many amazing people in one place only available for 9 days!!

Media is too big
Self-sufficiency is our way out of the matrix. If we all do a mass exodus the system will crumble to its knees. Who’s going to come with me and the thousands already who are already leaving or left?

Imagine saying a big FU to the system by growing your own food, using well water and not dirty poisonous city water, using solar instead of paying big corrupt companies to supply your power.

This life can be yours, you just have to take the first step.

We created a bundle, a library download of over 47 books and courses from leading experts to help you:

☑️Prepare for uncertain times.
☑️Get back to nature and life off-grid
☑️Quit your 9-5
☑️Live more sustainably

Everything from:
🌾: Organic Farming
💰: Online Income
✈️: Nomad Living
⛺️: Tiny Homes
♻️: Sustainable Living
🚀: Crypto
📴: EMF
✏️: Homeschooling
🤱🏼: Home-birthing
⚖️: Common Law

BUY HERE! Only hours left and it will no longer be available. We did this for 9 days. Today is day 9.
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This is how you take back your country. The people you put in power need to know there are more of us than them. The peoples voices matter. Mainstream news is claiming only hundreds of people stormed the palace. Maybe they need to go back to math class. The globalists “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better” plan will not happen. We won’t allow it. If you’re still calling is conspiracy theorists, wake up. Millions protesting globally for a reason. Don’t be a donkey.

Follow my other channels: ⤵️

Follow: @covidvaccinevictims

Follow: @covidvaccinevictimsCHAT

Follow: @thetruthfairy

Follow: @worldwidewakeup

Unvaccinated Singles : Dating for like-minded adults just started in a private Facebook group.

The challenge of finding someone you align with on important life decisions is become apparent recently for many adults looking for a partner. As we’ve seen many experiencing shedding symptoms, relationships breaking up and parents not agreeing on if they should vaccinate their children or not.

And then US was born to cater to those who wish to find a partner who is on the same page regarding their vaccine stance.

Singles are welcome to join free and invite your other single friends.

Here is the link:
Hi all,

It has come to my attention that someone is posing as me again and sending people private messages.

I will NEVER private message anyone. For this channel, I message exclusively on Instagram if I do.

Please be careful of scammers. Report and block these people.

Best, Admin ❤️
Hey guys do you want to watch these 5 empowering farming documentaries for free? Use my link below and enjoy!

Much love, JM(admin) ❤️ ❤️
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to be eating crickets. Learn new skills and build our communities! Let’s leave this Matrix!
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What is going on in the world right now, we’ve never seen anything Iike it in our lifetime. I worry about our future and the future of the children. I don’t want the WEF to get their way with us. I don’t want to eat bugs or fake meat. The only thing we can do, is ready ourselves and help each other. We’ve seen everything unfolding since 2020 and everything we said would happen, is happening. We need to come together now more the ever and prepare. That’s why me and my friends put this bundle together for everyone. So we can all learn and start become self-sufficient. So we can stay free. The one thing I’m so grateful for in all this that has happened is the connections I’ve made. Knowing that when I needed things like ivermectin for a loved one, I could contact one of my friends in the truth community and get it easily. With the bundle you’ll get access to our community group on telegram where you can meet others like us. ONLY 5 DAYS before it’s gone.⤵️

#FoodShortages #SupplyChain
Read full article HERE

And here’s the link to learn how to prepare yourself:

#FoodShortages #SupplyChain
Read for article HERE

Learn to prepare.

Guys this is a temporary quick sale that ends TOMORROW! $6000 worth of downloadable/printable E-Books and courses for ONLY $50. This is an incredible deal. Learn to do all these things and more. After tomorrow it won’t be available again. No gimmicks. It’s just a really good deal my friends and I made to help our truth community take our freedom and power back.

Much love, JM ❤️

Check it out here ⤵️
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Hi all you can use THIS LINK to watch this full movie, plus 5 others (ALL FREE) related to the crisis from the last three years. These are a must see! Plus a bonus surprise is coming soon! Can’t wait to be able to tell you about the new film coming out. This one is “Indoctrination“.

JM ❤️

Follow: ⤵️
Are you following my Vaccine Channel or the connected Vaccine Chat group yet? If not you’ll want to follow for some news coming soon. ❤️

Follow @covidvaccinevictims

Follow @covidvaccinevictimschat
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Click THIS LINK OR in my bio to watch this full film and six others about what’s happening.

JM ❤️
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Click THIS LINK OR in my bio to watch this full film and six others about what’s happening.

JM ❤️
Media is too big
I’m sick of being S***ow banned!

Video link is on Instagram HERE

Video curtesy of @dreamrare 🙏🏽
Hey all,

I’m so excited to share this news with you! I was asked about a month ago to take part in promoting “The Real Anthony Fauci” the feature-length spellbinding documentary by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (based on his NY Times best-selling book). You won’t want to miss this. It’s such an honor to be a part of something big that I feel passionate about. And happy they asked me to join them. Exposing that little rat Fauci for what he really is - is at the top of my list. I often daydream about sitting down in an interview with him and then at the end, telling him how I really feel(Choice words). Then someone makes one of those memes of me. Do you know the one where the sunglasses fall down on the person's face and “Thug Life” scrolls across the screen? Yeah, that’s my goal. Haha.

This Sunday at 5 pm PST I will be sending out a notification to you via EMAIL personally so you can register to watch it for FREE.

Please sign up using my link to get notified! Let’s expose this guy! Who’s with me?

Love you, JM ❤️

Use this —-> LINK
2025/03/17 01:21:23
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