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በትላንትናው እለት በ Hyatt Regency በ EFCCC በተዘጋጀው ፕሮግራም ላይ የ ፊልም ተወዳዳሪዎቻችንን ስራዎች ትልልቅ ሰዎች በተገኙበት ለ እይታ አብቅተናል።ምርጥ ሶስት ተብለው በዳኞቻችን የተመረጡትን እንደግ(በ to start film production) ፣ The unbearable Guilt ( Sumeya Yusuf) እና በ አሎቫ ፒክቸርስ የተሰራው አየር ንብረት ለውጥ የተሰኘ አጭር ፊልሞች ለታዳሚያን አቅርበናል። ይህን የፊልም ውድድር ጊዜችሁን ሰውታችሁ ፊልም ሰርታች ሁ ያስገባቹ በሙሉ ከልብ እናመሰግናለን። አጋሮቻችን EFCCC , CCC-Ethiopia , Tom Film School እና GofereActs እናመሰግናለን። ለተሳተፋችሁ በሙሉ በቅርቡ በሚኖረን የ ሽልማት ዝግጅት ላይ እንድትታደሙ እና ሰርተፊኬት እንድትወስዱ በ ኢሜል እናሳውቃለን። @yncccofficial
3 days left - registration is open to all
Moving towards COP26
We Congratulate YNCCC and its Executive Director Khalid Mohammed for being selected to represent Ethiopia in the upcoming PreCOP meeting to be held in Italy
Starting 9th July YNCCC will be organizing a series of events to come up with a unified position paper from Ethiopia to feed into the youth summit, PreCOP26 and COP26 to be held in Glasgow. the position paper will highlight Ethiopia's Interest .If You want to be participate Here is the registration link.
*Youth Climate Change Summer School 2021*


Write an ESSAY to stand a chance of participating in a 2-day youth summer school on climate change in Kariba, Zimbabwe in October 2021

*Essay Deadline: 25 SEPT 2021.*
Email: [email protected]

For updates/info, Download the MyLaw.Zone App on Google Play Store, register and join the Group 'Climate Change Summer School'. LINK:
2024/12/01 13:46:27
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