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🔸️ Vulnerable
قابل للهجوم. غير حصين. قابل للنقد وضعيف

▪️Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.
كبار السن بشكل خاص هم أفراد ضعفاء في مجتمعنا.
اختصارات مهمة لازم تكون عارفها 🤍
First Snow Fall.

Today is November 26th.
It snowed all day today.
The snow is beautiful.
The snow finally stopped.
My sister and I are excited.
My Mom doesn't like the snow.
My Mom has to shovel the drive way.
My sister and I get to play.
I put on my hat and mittens.
My Mom puts on my scarf.
My Mom zippers my jacket.
My sister puts on her hat and mittens.
My Mom puts on her scarf.
My Mom zippers her jacket.
My sister and I go outside.
We begin to make a snow man.
My Mom starts to shovel the snow.
My sister and I make snow angels.
My sister and I throw snowballs.
It starts to snow again.
We go inside for hot chocolate
🟣 George and the Dragon

Once upon a time there was a brave knight called George. George had lots of adventures as he travelled by horse across many lands.
One day he came to a small village and met a man who lived in a cave next to the village.
The hermit told the knight about the awful things that were happening there. A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake and attacked the village every day.
The villagers didn't know what to do. First, they gave the dragon all their food, but the dragon just took the food and still attacked the village.
So then the villagers gave the dragon all the animals from their farms. The dragon took all the animals, but continued to attack the villagers.
So then they gave the dragon all their gold and jewels. The dragon took all their money, but still was not satisfied.
The king sent his army to try and capture the dragon, but the dragon was too strong and the knights of the army were too scared and they ran away.
With nothing left to give, the king could only think of one thing to help protect his people. He sent his only daughter, the princess, to the lake to wait for the dragon.
When George heard this he rode as fast as he could to the lake. Just then the dragon jumped out from the lake and was going to eat the princess.
George attacked the dragon. He fought very bravely, won the fight and killed the dragon. George and the princess returned to the village and everyone was very pleased that they would have no more problems with the dragon.
Today, the story of George's bravery is remembered and George is known as the patron saint of many countries.
to cancel يلغي
to catch يمسك
to chat يدردش
to cheat يغش
to cheer يهتف
to choose يختار
to claim يدّعي
to climb يتسلق
to clarify يوضح
to create يخلق
to consider يعتبر
to confirm يؤكد
to customize يخصص

to blame يلوم
to boil يغلي
to borrow يستعير
to bow ينحني
to break يكسر
to breathيتنفس
to bring يُحضر
to browse يتصفح
to build يبني
to burn يحرق
to boost يعزز/ يدعم
to beat يتغلب على
to book يحجز
to bake يخبز
to bear يتحمل
افتح الريكورد وحط الهاند فري وعينك علي ال pdf اللي تحت 🎧🤍
= Confederation of African Football
🔴الاتحاد الافريقي لكرة القدم

= Exampli Gratia
🔴 على سبيل المثال

=Random access memory
🔴 ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي

= Universe resource locator
🔴موقع المعلومات العالمى

🟣 LOl
= Laugh out loud
🔴 الضحك بصوت مرتفع

=Portable document format
🔴نسق المستند المنقول

=Curriculum vitae
🔴السيرة الذاتية

= Post meridiem
🔴 قبل منتصف النهار

🟣 AM
= Ante meridiem
🔴 بعد منتصف النهار

=Short message service
🔴خدمة الرسائل النصية القصيرة

=Player unknown's Battleground
🔴ساحة معارك اللاعبين المجهولين

=Bayerische Motoren Werke
🔴دى ماركة عربية ألمانية

=Food and Agriculture Organization
🔴 منظمة الأغذية والزراعة

=Global positioning system
🔴نظام التموضع العالمى

= Automated taller machine
🔴 ماكينة الصرف الآلي

= Digital versatile disc
🔴قرص الفيديو الرقمى

اضغط علي اللينك
🔸️ حط الهاند فري قبل ماتنام مباشرة واسمع الريكورد
- طب انا مش فاهم هو بيقول ايه؟؟
- انت مش مطالب تستوعب وتفهم دلوقت انا عايزك تقوي الاستماع الاول وبعدين هنشتغل علي موضوع الاستيعاب والفهم ❤️

الـ Confusing words هما كلمات بنتلخبط كتير في استخدامهم بسبب اختلاف حروفهم او تشابه معناهم.
كلمتين انهاردة هما "bored" و "boring". ❤️

🔹كلمة 'bored' هي صفة (adjective) وتعني زهقان او "مَلاّن". 😴
"I was so bored at the cinema yesterday." 💤

🔹أما كلمة 'Boring' فهي كمان صفة (adjective) لكن تعني مُمل. 😕
"The film was so boring." 📽️😴
🟣 signs and symbols
الاشارات والرموز

(@)➡️ At or address sign

(:)➡️ Colon


(#)➡️ Hash

(_) ➡️ underscore

(|)➡️ Bar/ Pipe

(%)➡️ percent

(-)➡️ Hyphen

(,)➡️ Comma

(;)➡️ Semicolon

($)➡️ dollar sign

(&)➡️ Ampersand

( () )➡️ Parentheses

( ?)➡️ Question mark

(')➡️ apostrophe mark

({})➡️ Curly Brackets

([ ])➡️ Square Brackets

(/)➡️ Slash

(\)➡️ back Slash

(+)➡️ Plus

(-)➡️ Restar or Minus

(>)➡️ Greater than

(<)➡️ Less than
Lvanko The Bear's son

A long time ago in Russia, a farmer's wife got lost one day in the woods. A bear found her and married her. The bear would not let her keep in touch with her husband. The woman and the bear had a son, Ivanko. He was half bear and half boy! Ivanko grew uplittle by little and soon the woman longed forthe farm again. One day, the boy and his mother ran away.

The farmer was happy to see his wife but he laughed at Ivanko. (Keep in mind that the boy was half boy; half bear.) Instead ofsending Ivanko away, the farmer told him to kill a sheep so that they could have a big dinner.

Ivanko asked, "Which sheep should I kill?"

The farmer said, "Kill the first one that looks at you."

Ivanko went into the yard. All of the sheep looked at him at the same time. Ivanko began to kill all the sheep. The farmer stopped him just in time. He cried out, "Why?"

Ivanko said, "They all looked at me at the same time."

The farmer knew that it would be in vainto scold the boy, so he said, "Put all of this meat into the barn. Keep your eye on the barn door. There are wolves around here!"

Ivanko watched the door very carefully, but in the middle of the night, it began to rain. Ivanko took the door off and looked around for a dry place. He took the door to his room and kept on watching it.

The next day, all of the meat was gone. The farmer yelled at Ivanko, "I told you tolook after the meat! You didn't keep out the wolves."

Ivanko said, "No, sir. You told me to keep an eye on the barn door."

The farmer knew that Ivanko would lead to the ruin of his farm! Soon they would have nothing left to live on. The farmer thought of a way to keep Ivanko away from the farm.

The farmer said, "Listen to me, Ivanko. I need some rope. Can you go to the lake and make some rope out of the sand there?"

Ivanko went to the lake, sat down, and began to try to make rope out of sand. While he was working, a goblin came up out of the lake. The goblin said, "I will help you if you can carry my horse around the lake more times than I can." The goblin pulled his horse out of the lake, picked it up, and carried it around the lake 3 times. Then Ivanko jumped on the horse and rode it around the lake 20 times.

The goblin said, "You are a clever boy. You carried the horse between your legs!" He used his magic to help Ivanko. Let's not leave out the best part of the story, though: The Goblin's magic turned the rope into gold! Ivanko's family became rich.

🔸️ Phrasal verb
واللي مش فاهم يعني اي phrasal verb فهو فعل مكون من كلمتين الكلمة التانية بتكون حرف جر وبيكون ليه معني مختلف تمام.

▪️pick  up.
-معناه يتعلم مهارة جديدة أو لغة جديدة عن طريق الممارسة( يعني يلقطها زي مابنقول في مصر)
to learn a new skill or language by practising it rather than being taught it.

🗣Don't bother with the computer manual - you'll pick it up as you go along.

🗣When you live in a country  you soon pick up the language.
🔸️Call off: cancel
معناه يلغي
🗣 They have called off the meeting.
- لقد ألغوا الإجتماع
A blessing in disguise
" احسنوا الظن " ..
A English pinned Deleted message
رابط القناة
2024/10/20 18:54:04
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