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እንኳን አደረሰነ!

☞ወርኀ ጥር ቡሩክ፥ አመ ፲ወ፫

በዓለ እግዚአብሔር አብ (ወሀቤ ብርሃን)

✞ወበዓለ ቅዱሳን አበው፦

✿፯ቱ ደቂቅ (ዘሀገረ ኤፌሶን)
✿ቴዎፍሎስ ጻድቅ (ዘደብረ ማኅው)
✿አቡሁ ወእሙ (መናንያነ መንግሥት)
✿ዲሚያና ድንግል (ወሰማዕት)
✿፵ ደናግል (ማኅበራኒሃ)
✿ዘርዐ ቡሩክ ጻድቅ (ዘግሺ)
✿ነካሮ ገዳማዊ (ዐቃቤ አንቀጽ)
✿ቃሮስ ወሰሚኖስ

❖ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር፤
ኪያነኒ ይምሐረነ በጸሎቶሙ።
ወበረከቶሙ ይብጽሐነ፤ ለዓለመ ዓለም አሜን፡፡
✞❖✞ ቅድስት ዲሚየና እና ፵ው ሰማዕታት ✞❖✞

❖ይህቺ ቅድስት እናት (ወጣት) በውስጧ በሚነድደው የክርስቶስ ፍቅር አላውያን (ጣዖት) አምላኪዎችን ያንቀጠቀጠች ፡ ደናግሉን ደግሞ ለሰማዕትነት የሳበች ንጹሕ ክርስቲያን ናት፡፡
❖በሃገራችን ብዙዎቻችን ባናውቃትም በመላው ዓለም ክርስቲያኖች ግን ትከበራለች፡፡
❖በግብፃውያን ደግሞ ፍጹም ትወደዳለች፡፡
❖ዛሬ (ጥር ፲፫) የሰማዕትነት ዓመታዊ በዓሏ ነው፡፡

✞ አምላክ ከፍቅሯ ፡ ከበረከቷ ይክፈለን፡፡

  ዝክረቅዱሳን (ማኅበረ ቅዱስ ዳዊት)

" ፍቅር ያጌብረኒ ከመ እንግር ዜናሆሙ ለቅዱሳን"::/የቅዱሳንን ዜና(ታሪክ) እንድመሰክር ፍቅር ያስገድደኛል::  አባ ጊዮርጊስ ዘጋስጫ /መጽሐፈ ምሥጢር/
የግሺው ጻድቅ አቡነ ዘርዓ ቡሩክ ከፈጣሪህ አማልደን! ከታዘዘው መቅሰፍትም በክንፈ ረድኤትህ ጠብቀን!

ዝክረቅዱሳን (ማኅበረ ቅዱስ ዳዊት)

" ፍቅር ያጌብረኒ ከመ እንግር ዜናሆሙ ለቅዱሳን"::/የቅዱሳንን ዜና(ታሪክ) እንድመሰክር ፍቅር ያስገድደኛል::  አባ ጊዮርጊስ ዘጋስጫ /መጽሐፈ ምሥጢር/
††† እንኳን ለጻድቃን ቅዱሳን አቡነ አረጋዊ እና አባ አርከሌድስ ዓመታዊ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ፤ አደረሰን። †††

††† በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን! †††

††† አቡነ አረጋዊ ዘደብረ ዳሞ †††

††† ጻድቁ ገድላቸውን የፈጸሙት በኢትዮዽያ ቢሆንም ሃገረ ሙላዳቸው የጥንቱ የሮም ግዛት የሆነችው ታናሽ እስያ ናት:: አቡነ አረጋዊ ከዘጠኙ (ተስዓቱ) ቅዱሳን አንዱ ናቸው:: ዘጠኙ ቅዱሳን ተወልደው ያደጉት ምንም በአንድ የሮም ግዛት ሥር ቢሆንም መነሻ ቦታቸው ግን የተለያየ ነው::

ሁሉንም አንድ ያደረጋቸው መንፈስ ቅዱስ በኪነ ጥበቡ ነው:: በምክንያት ደረጃ እንግለጸው ከተባለ ደግሞ የአንድነታቸው ምሥጢር:-
1.የቀናች ሃይማኖታቸው ተዋሕዶ:
2.ዓላማ (የእግዚአብሔር መንግስት) እና
3.ገዳማዊ ሕይወት ነው::

አቡነ አረጋዊን ጨምሮ ሁሉም ቅዱሳን ዘራቸው ከቤተ መንግስት ነው:: እነርሱ ግን ምድራዊውን ክብር ንቀው ሰማያዊውን ክብር ገንዘብ ማድረግን መርጠዋል:: አስቀድመው ቅዱሳት መጻሕፍትን ያጠኑት አበው በተለያየ ጊዜ እየመነኑ ከሮም ግዛት ወደ ግብጽ በርሃዎች ወርደዋል::

በምናኔ ቅድሚያውን አባ ዸንጠሌዎንና አቡነ አረጋዊ ይይዛሉ:: ዘመኑ የተዋሕዶ አማኞች የሚሰደዱበት 5ኛው መቶ ክ/ዘመን ነበርና እምነትን ላለመለወጥ ዘጠኙ ቅዱሳን ስደትን መረጡ::

በወቅቱ ደግሞ ለስደት መጠለያ የምትሆንና ከኢትዮዽያ የተሻለች ሃገር አልነበረችም:: ስለዚህም በ470ዎቹ ዓ/ም አልዓሜዳ በኢትዮዽያ ነግሦ ሳለ ቅዱሳኑ በአረጋዊ መሪነት መጡ::

ንጉሡም ሲጀመር የእግዚአብሔር እንግዳ ስለሆኑ: ሲቀጥል ደግሞ ቅድስናቸውን ተመልክቶ መልካም አቀባበልን አደረገላቸው:: ማረፊያ ትሆናቸውም ዘንድ አክሱም ውስጥ አንዲት ቦታን ወስኖ ሰጣቸው:: ይህች ቦታ ቤተ ቀጢን ትባላለች:: አቡነ አረጋዊና 8ቱ ቅዱሳን ወደ ሃገራችን እንደገቡ የመጀመሪያ ሥራቸው ቋንቋን መማር ነበር::

ልሳነ ግዕዝን በወጉ ተምረው እዛው አክሱም አካባቢ ሥራቸውን አንድ አሉ:: በወቅቱ በአቡነ ሰላማ: በአብርሃ ወአጽብሐና በአቡነ ሙሴ ቀዳማዊ የተቀጣጠለው ክርስትና በተወሰነ መንገድ ተቀዛቅዞ ነበርና እነ አቡነ አረጋዊ እንደገና አቀጣጠሉት::

ሕዝቡን በራሱ ልሳን ለክርስትና ይነቃቃ ዘንድ ሰበኩት:: የካደውን እየመለሱ: የቀዘቀዘውን እያሟሟቁ ለዓመታት ወንጌልን ሰበኩ:: ቀጣዩ ሥራቸው ደግሞ መጻሕፍትን መተርጐም ሆነ::

ከሃገራቸው ያመጧቸውን ቅዱሳት መጻሕፍት ተከፋፍለው ወደ ግዕዝ ልሳን ተረጐሟቸው:: በዚህም ለሃገራችን ትልቁን ውለታ ዋሉ:: ይህ ሁሉ ሲሆን እነ አቡነ አረጋዊ የሚመገቡትም ሆነ የሚጸልዩት በማሕበር ነበር:: በመካከላቸውም ፍጹም ፍቅር ነበር:: ጸጋ እግዚአብሔር አልተለያቸውም::

የነ አቡነ አረጋዊ ቀጣዩ ተግባራቸው ደግሞ ገዳማዊ ሕይወትን ማስፋፋት ሆነ:: ይህንን ለማድረግ ግን የግድ መለያየት አስፈለጋቸው:: እያንዳንዱም መንፈስ ቅዱስ ወደ መራው ቦታ ሔደ::

*ዸንጠሌዎን በጾማዕት:
*ገሪማ በመደራ:
*ሊቃኖስ በቆናጽል:
*አባ ይምዓታ በገርዓልታ:
*ጽሕማ በጸድያ:
*ሌሎችም በሌላ ቦታ ገዳማትን መሠረቱ::
*አባ አረጋዊ ደግሞ በመንፈስ ቅዱስ መሪነት ምርጫቸው ዳሞ (እዛው ትግራይ) ሆነ::

በሃገራችን ስም አጠራራቸው ከከበረ አባቶች አንዱ እኒህ ጻድቅ ናቸው:: ጻድቁ የተወለዱት በ5ኛው መቶ ክ/ዘ አጋማሽ አካባቢ ሲሆን ወላጆቻቸው ንጉሥ ይስሐቅና ቅድስት እድና ይባላሉ:: የተለወለዱበት አካባቢም ሮም ነው::

ስማቸው ብዙ ዓይነት ነው:: ወላጆቻቸው "ዘሚካኤል" ሲሏቸው በበርሃ "ገብረ አምላክ" ተብለዋል:: በኢትዮዽያ ደግሞ "አረጋዊ" ይባላሉ:: አቡነ አረጋዊ ምንም የንጉሥ ልጅ ቢሆኑም በልጅነታቸው መጻሕፍትን ተምረው ነበርና ጠፍተው ገዳም ገቡ::

በዚያም በገዳመ ዳውናስ (ግብጽ) የታላቁ ቅዱስ ዻኩሚስ ደቀ መዝሙር ሆነው ከነ አባ ቴዎድሮስ ጋር ሥርዓተ መነኮሳትን ተምረዋል:: ከመነኮሱ ከዓመታት በሁዋላም ወደ ሃገራቸው ሮም ተመልሰው በማስተማር 7 ያህል የቤተ መንግስት ሰዎችን ወደ ምናኔ ማርከዋል::

"የት ልሒድ" ብለው ሲያስቡም ቅዱስ መልአክ በክንፉ ጭኖ ወስዶ ኢትዮዽያን አሳያቸው:: ተመልሰውም ለ8 ባልንጀሮቻቸው "ሃገርስ ባሳየሁዋችሁ! ሐዋርያ ሳያስተምራት በሕጉ በሥርዓቱ ጸንታ የምትኖር" ብለው ከ8ቱ ጋር ወደ ኢትዮዽያ መጡ::

በዚህ ጊዜም እናታቸው ቅድስት እድናና ደቀ መዝሙራቸው አባ ማትያስ አብረው ነበሩ:: ወደ ሃገራችን የመጡ በ470ዎቹ አካባቢ ሲሆን አልዓሜዳ በክብር ተቀብሏቸዋል:: በቤተ ቀጢን (አክሱም) ተቀምጠውም መጻሕፍትን እየተረጐሙ: ወንጌልን እየሰበኩ ቆይተዋል::

ለሥራ በተለያዩ ጊዜም አቡነ አረጋዊ በዓት ፍለጋ ብዙ ደክመዋል:: በመጨረሻ ግን ደብረ ዳሞን (ደብረ ሃሌ ሉያን) አይተው ወደዷት:: የሚወጡበት ቢያጡም ጅራቱ 60 ክንድ የሚያህል ዘንዶ ተሸክሞ ከላይ አድርሷቸዋል::

እንደ ወጡም "ሃሌ ሉያ ለአብ: ሃሌ ሉያ ለወልድ: ሃሌ ሉያ ለመንፈስ ቅዱስ" ብለው ቢያመሰግኑ ከሰማይ ሕብስት ወርዶላቸው ተመግበዋል:: በዚህም ቦታዋ "ደብረ ሃሌ ሉያ" ተብላለች:: ጻድቁ ቦታውን ከገደሙ በሁዋላ ከተለያየ ቦታ መጥተው 6ሺ ያህል ሰዎች በእጃቸው መንኩሰዋል::

ምናኔን በማስፋፋታቸውና ሥርዓቱን በማስተማራቸውም "አቡሆሙ ለመነኮሳት ዘኢትዮዽያ - የኢትዮዽያ መነኮሳት አባት" ይባላሉ:: አቡነ አረጋዊ በሕይወታቸው ከተጋድሎ ባሻገር በወንጌል አገልግሎትና መጻሕፍትን በማዘጋጀትም ደክመዋል::

ቅዱስ ያሬድና አፄ ገብረ መስቀልም ወዳጆቻቸው ነበሩ:: በተራራው ግርጌ ያለችውን ኪዳነ ምሕረትን ለሴቶች ሲገድሟት ቀዳሚዋ መነኮስ እናታቸው ንግስት እድና ሁናለች::

ጻድቁ ንጹሕ ሕይወታቸውን ፈጽመው በተወለዱ በ99 ዓመታቸው በገዳሙ በስተ ምሥራቅ አካባቢ ተሰውረው ብሔረ ሕያዋን ገብተዋል:: ጌታም 15 ትውልድን የሚያስምር የምሕረት ቃል ኪዳን ሰጥቷቸዋል:: ዛሬ ጻድቁ የተወለዱበት ቀን ነው::

††† አባ አርከሌድስ †††

††† በዚህ ስም የሚጠሩ ቅዱሳን በግብጽም በሃገራችንም አሉ:: ዋናውና በብዙ መጻሕፍት ዜናቸው የተጻፈላቸው ግን ዛሬ የምናከብራቸው ናቸው:: አባ አርከሌድስ የነበሩት በዘመነ ጻድቃን ሲሆን ሃገረ ሙላዳቸው ሮም ናት::

ወላጆቻቸው ክርስቲያን: በዚያውም ላይ ባለ ጠጐች ነበሩ:: አባታቸው ደግሞ መስፍነ ሃገር ነበር:: ቅዱሱን ወልደው: በሕግ በሥርዓት አሳድገዋል:: ለአካለ መጠን አባ አርከሌድስ ሲደርሱ ግን አባታቸው ሞተ::

መዋዕለ ሐዘናቸው ከተፈጸመ በሁዋላም እናት አባ አርከሌድስን ጠርታ:- "ልጄ! ሒድና የአባትህን ሹመት እጅ አድርግ" አለችው:: ለመንገድ የሚያስፈልገውን ሁሉ አሰናድታ: አገልጋዮችንና ብዙ ወርቅ (ለሿሚው አካል የሚሰጥ) ጨምራም ልጇን ሸኘች::

ቅዱስ አርከሌድስም ከእናታቸው ተለይተው በአገልጋዮች ተከበው ወደ መርከብ ገቡ:: በባሕር መካከል ሳሉ ግን ታላቅ ማዕበል ተነስቶ መርከቡን በታተነው:: በመርከቡ የነበረው ሰው ሁሉ ሲያልቅ አባ አርከሌድስ ግን በስባሪ ላይ ተንጠልጥለው ተረፉ::
ዋኝተው ወጥተው ወደ ዳርቻ ሲደርሱም ማዕበል የተፋው አንድ በድን ወድቆ ተመልክተው ፈጸመው አለቀሱ:: ወዲያውም በልባቸው የዚህን ዓለም ኃላፊነት አሰቡ:: ሹመት ፍለጋ መሔዳቸውን ትተው ወደ ገዳም ሔዱ::ወደ ምድረ ሶርያ ደርሰው በታላቁ ደብረ ሮማኖስ መዓርገ ምንኩስናን ተቀበሉ:: በእጃቸው የነበረውን 200 ዲናር ወርቅም ለገዳሙ አበረከቱ:: ለጥቂት ጊዜ በገዳሙ ካገለገሉ በሁዋላም ጾማዕት (በዓት) ተሰጣቸው::

በዚህ ጊዜም "እንግዲህ ወደ ዓለም አልወጣም:: የሴቶችን መልክም አልመለከትም" ሲሉ ቃል ገቡ:: በተጋድሏቸውም በጾምና በጸሎት: በትጋሃ ሌሊት ለ12 ዓመታት ቀጠሉ:: ጾማቸውም 7 ቀን ነበር:: አምላክ ጸጋውን ስላበዛላቸውም ብዙ ድውያንን ፈወሱ::

ዜናቸውም እስከ ምድረ ሮሜ ተሰማ:: እናታቸው (ሰንደሊቃ) የመርከቡን ዜና ከሰማች በሁዋላ የሞቱ መስሏት አልቅሳ ቤቷን የእንግዳ ቤት አድርጋ: በበጎ ምግባር ትኖር ነበርና አንድ ቀን የልጇን ዜና ሕይወት ሰማች::

ከደስታዋ የተነሳ ፈጥና ወደ ደብረ ሮማኖስ ደርሳ "ልጄን ልይ" አለች:: ግን "ሴትን አላይም" ብለው አባ አርከሌድስ ቃል ገብተዋልና ምን ይሁን! ሰንደሊቃም "አራዊት ይብሉኝ እንጂ ልጄን ሳላይ አልሔድም" አለች:: ወዲያው ግን "አባ አርከሌድስ ፈቅደዋልና ግቢ" የሚል መልእክት መጥቶላት ገባች::

ግን ያገኘችው የጻድቁን ልጇን ሥጋ ነበር:: ምክንያቱም የፈጣሪንም: የእናታቸውንም ልብ ላለማሳዘን እንዲወስዳቸው ለምነውት ዐርፈው ነበር:: እናትም በልጇ ሥጋ ላይ እያለቀሰች እዚያው ዐረፈች:: "አብራችሁ ቅበሩን" የሚል ቃል ከቅዱሱ ሥጋ ስለ ተሰማም አብረው ቀብረዋቸዋል::

††† አምላከ ቅዱሳን ለእነርሱ ካደለው ፍቅራቸው ለእኛም አይንሳን:: በረከታቸውንም ያብዛልን::

††† ጥር 14 ቀን የሚከበሩ ዓመታዊ የቅዱሳን በዓላት
1.አቡነ አረጋዊ (ዘሚካኤል)
2.ቅዱስ አባ መክሲሞስ
3.ቅዱስ አባ አርከሌድስ
4.ቅድስት እምራይስ
5.ቅድስት ምሕራኤል
6."4034"ሰማዕታት (ማሕበራነ ቅዱስ ቂርቆስ)

††† ወርሐዊ በዓላት
1.አባ ስምዖን
2.አባ ዮሐንስ
3.ቅዱስ ገብረ ክርስቶስ (ሙሽራው)
4.ቅዱስ ሙሴ
5.ቅዱስ ፊልዾስ (ከ72 አርድዕት)
6.ቅድስት ነሣሒት

††† "እግዚአብሔር ፍርድን ይወድዳልና::
ቅዱሳኑንም አይጥላቸውምና::
ለዘለዓለምም ይጠብቃቸዋል . . .
ጻድቃን ምድርን ይወርሳሉ::
በእርስዋም ለዘላለም ይኖራሉ::
የጻድቅ አፍ ጥበብን ያስተምራል::
አንደበቱም ፍርድን ይናገራል::
የአምላኩ ሕግ በልቡ ውስጥ ነው::
በእርምጃውም አይሰናከልም::" †††
(መዝ. 36:28)

††† ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር †††
Memhir Esuendale:
#Feasts of #Tir_14

✞✞✞On this day we commemorate the Saints Abune Aregawi and Abba Archiledis✞✞✞

✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞

✞✞✞ Abune Aregawi of Debre Damo✞✞✞
=>Though the Saint finished his spiritual strife in Ethiopia, he was born in the Empire of Rome in Asia Minor. Abune Aregawi is one of the Nine Saints. And the Nine Saints though they came from the Roman Empire, hailed from different parts.

✞And it was the Holy Spirit that made them one through His wisdom. The following list shows the reasons behind their unity.
1. Their upright Miaphysite faith.
2. Their purpose ([seeking] the Kingdom of God) and
3. Monastic life.

✞Including Abba Aregawi’s, all the [Nine] Saints’ lineage is from the palace. However, they chose to make theirs the heavenly honor by forsaking the worldly. And these fathers that studied the Holy Scriptures, at different times went to the Egyptian deserts from Rome.

✞Abba Pantelewon and Abune Aregawi take precedence [from the Nine Saints] in beginning the ascetic life. As the period was when the Miaphysites were persecuted, the 5th century, the Nine Saints chose flight than renouncing their faith.  

✞And in those days, there was no better country to take refuge in than Ethiopia. Hence, the Saints by the leadership of Aregawi came to Ethiopia in the 470s A.D during the reign of Alla Amidas.

✞And the King received them well as they were the guests of God and because he saw their holiness. Later, he allotted them a place to stay in Axum. This place is called “Bete Qetin”. Abba Aregawi and the 8 Saints after coming to our country made learning the local language their first task.

✞And after learning Ge’ez well, they started their [evangelistic] activity there in Axum.  And during that time the kindled missionary activity of Abune Selama, Abreha and Atsbeha including Abune Moses the First was somewhat dwindled. Thus, Abba Aregawi reignited it [with the others]. 

✞They preached to the people with the local tongue so that they become zealous for Christianity. And they preached the Gospel for years by restoring the lapsed and revitalizing the lukewarm. Then, their subsequent task was translating books.

✞They divided up the books that they had brought from their country and translated them to Ge’ez. And by this they did a great favor for our country. And while all these happened, Abune Aregawi and the fathers prayed and ate as a group. And there was perfect love amidst them. And the grace of God did not depart from them.

✞Then, their task became expanding the monastic life. And to do this it was necessary that they separate. Hence, each traveled to the place that the Holy Spirit led him to.
* Abba Pantelewon went to Somat.
* Abba Garima (Isaac, or Yeshaq) went to Medera.
* Abba Liqanos went to Qonasle.
* Abba Yem’ata went to Garalta
*Abba Sehma went Tsedia.
*And the others established monasteries in other areas.
*And Abba Aragawi by the leadership of the Holy Spirit chose Damo (in Tigray).

✞This Saint is one of the renowned fathers in our country. He was born in the middle of the 5th century and his parents were called King Isaac and Queen Edna. And he was born in Rome.

✞He is known with different names. His parents named him ZeMichael (Of Michael) while in the desert he was known as Theodoulos (Gebre Amlak). And in Ethiopia, he is known as Aregawi. Though he was a prince and a child, because he was learned in the scriptures, he ran-away and entered a monastery.

✞There, in the Monastery of Dawnas (Egypt), together with Abba Theodore, he learned the rites of the monks as a disciple of the great St. Pachomius. Years after he became a monk, he returned to Rome and captivated 7 people from the palace to be ascetics after teaching them its ways.✞And when he thought, “Where should I go?” a holy angel took him upon his wings and showed him Ethiopia.
And when he returned, he said to his 8 friends, “Let me show you a country! [A country] which lives by the laws and rules [of scripture] without being taught by the Apostles” and came to Ethiopia with the 8.

✞At that time his mother St. Edna and his disciple Abba Matthias were with him. They came to our country in the 470s and [Emperor] Alla Amidas received them with honor. They stayed at Bete Qetin (Aksum) translating books and preaching the Gospel.

✞And when they separated from one another to evangelize, Abune Aregawi had tired searching for a permanent cell (abode). Finally, he saw Debre Damo (Debre Hallelujah) and loved it. And when he found no way to ascent it, a 60 cubits long serpent took him to the top. 

✞And immediately when he reached the top and praised [God] saying, “Hallelujah to the Father, Hallelujah to the Son and Hallelujah to the Holy Spirit”, a bread descended from heaven and he ate. And for this reason, the place was called ‘Debre (Mount) Hallelujah’. After he converted the place to a monastery, 6 thousand people from different parts came and became monks by him.

✞And because he expanded monasticism and taught about its rites, he is called, “The Father of Ethiopian Monks”. Abune Aregawi in his life has also evangelized and prepared books diligently in addition to his monastic struggles. 

✞St. Yared and Emperor Gebre Mesqel were his companions. And when he established the Monastery of Kidane Meheret at the foot of the mountain for women, his mother St. Edna became its first nun.

✞The Saint completing his pure life on earth at the age of 99, on this day, entered the Realm/World of the Living (he did not pass away) at the eastern part of the monastery. And the Lord has given him a vow that gives mercy to 15 generations. Today is the day of his birth.

✞✞✞ Abba Archiledis✞✞✞
=>There are many saints called by this name in Egypt and in our country. However, the main one is the one whom we commemorate today and about whose life many books speak of. Abba Archiledis lived in the Era of the Righteous and was born in Rome.

✞His parents were Christians and on top of that were wealthy. And his father was a leader of a city. His parents bore the Saint and raised him with order and in good manner. Nevertheless, when Abba Archiledis reached the age of a youth his father died.

✞And after the days of mourning were over, his mother called him and said, “My son! Go and make yours your father’s positon.” And she sent her son on his way after she prepared all that was needed for the road and adding servants and much gold (to be given to the one/the Emperor/ who would appoint him).

✞St. Archiledis after parting from his mother and surrounded by his servants boarded a ship. However, while they were out at Sea a great tempest started and it dismantled the ship. And when all those who were on board died, Abba Archiledis was spared as he hanged on a plank [from the wreckage of the ship].

✞And when he reached the seashore after swimming, he saw a dead body that was carried by the sea waves, and he wept bitterly. Immediately, he thought of the temporal nature of this world. And instead of going seeking appointment, he left for a monastery.
✞He then reached the land of Syria and received monkhood from the Great Monastery of St. Romanus (Debre Romanus). He also gave 200 Dinars of gold to the monastery, which he had on his hands. And after he served the monastery for some time he was given a cell.

✞At that time, he made an oath saying, “After now onwards I won’t go out to the world. And I won’t see the appearance of a woman”. And he continued with his strife for 12 years in prayer and fasting. And his fast was 7 days long. Since God multiplied His grace upon him, he healed many who were sick.✞And his acts were heard up to Rome. His mother (Sandalika/Sinclatiki), who thought that he had died after hearing the news of his ship’s wreck, mourned him and lived doing good deeds after converting her house into a hostel where she received guests. And there, one day, she heard her son’s story.
✞Out of joy, she immediately went to Debre Romanus and said, “Let me see my son”. Since Abba Archiledis had made an oath saying, “I won’t see a woman” nothing was able to be done. Then Sandalika said, “Let the wild beasts devour me because I will not go without seeing my son”. Then a message came which said, “Abba Archiledis has permitted, so enter” and she entered.

✞But what she found was the body of her righteous son. That was because he had passed away after pleading to his Creator to take his soul, not to make offence against Him as well as his mother. And his mother while she cried upon her son’s body passed away as well. And because a statement from the Saint’s body that said, “Bury us together” was heard, the monks buried them together.

✞✞✞ May the God of Saints not deprive us of the love He gave to them. And may He multiply their blessings upon us.

✞✞✞ Annual feasts celebrated on the 14th of Tir
1. Abune Aregawi (ZeMichael)
2. St. Abba Maximus
3. St. Abba Archiledis
4. St. Emrais
5. St. Mohrael
6. “4034” Martyrs (The Congregations of St. Cyriacus/ Qirqos)

✞✞✞ Monthly Feasts
1. Abba Simeon the Monastic
2. Abba John (Yoannis) the Righteous
3. St. Christodoulos (Gebre Kirstos) the Bridegroom
4. St. Moses the Bridegroom
5. St. Philip the Apostle (one of the 72 Disciples)
6. Our Mother St. Nasahit

✞✞✞ “For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever … The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.”✞✞✞
Ps. 36 (37):28-31

✞✞✞ Salutations to God ✞✞✞

(Translated by Mhr. Esuendale Shemeles with the permission of Dn. Yordanos Abebe)
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