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Truly the effect of the Law is now choked, thine heart and conscience fell asleep and hardened. But when the Law has lost it’s power over thee, when sin no longer can break thee or cause distress, what then is the faith? What then is the Gospel and Christ to thee? Nothing more but an old lecture for the intellect and mouth, which thou now very well can recite, but which makes no impression upon thee. For where the Law does not crush and kill, there can the Gospel not give any life nor power.
Therefore thou art not in the least sorrowful nor afflicted over thee, neither joyful nor strong in The Lord. And wilt thou not even acknowledge this condition, but instead continue to praise thee by The Gospel, then the horrible hypocrisy enters, which completes the hardening of the heart, and destroys the last spark of mercy’s effect.
Such hearts, are similar to those hard, smooth, plain flint stones, which by the seashore hath been sanded by the waves and sand of the sea. When the heart by rushing care for the worldly on one side, and a hypocritical walk with The Word on the other has been cut and sanded, it is at last so hardened and smooth that nothing ever sticks to it. And this is still a heart, which once was open to The Spirit of mercy, and felt sin bitterly, and the mercy of Christ even more in abundance. And now this heavenly seed is choked by thorns of the world. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
All the earth’s pleasure and pain, it is oh so short
let then, O Jesus, nothing take me from thee Lord
thou knowest, how easy I stray
alas, lead me, lead me the right way!
BY Ape Mountain
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