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14. GIC Powder and Liquid
15. Alloy Powder Mercury Dispenser Amalgam Alloy powder + Mercury
16. Varnish Function:- It prevent microleakage. when marginal seals break it can cause secondary caries so varnish is applied. GIC is soluble so varnish prevent water contemination.
17. Alginate Spatulla Used for mixing alginate.
18. Wax Knife Used for cutting excessive wax. Wax Carver Used for carving wax.
19. Plaster Spatula Used for mixing gypsum and plaster products.
20. Cavity Conditioner Work similar as etch, use to prepare the tooth for glass ionomer restoration.
21. Flowable Composite Low viscosity, use in small areas and before the placement of packable composite.
22. Plaster Knife Use for cutting extra plaster.
23. Manipulative Variables Of Amalgam Filling:- Examination Cavity prep Application of matrix band Lining Trituration/mixing Dispensing of amalgam Condensation Pre-carve burnishing Carving Post-carve burnishing Finishing Polishing
24. Some Terms Are Defined Here 1. Mesio-Occlus0-Disatl (MOD) caries on mesial & distal surface of class-II and on occlusal surface of class I. 2. Compound Caries on 2 surfaces. 3. Complex Caries on 3 surfaces.
25. MANIPULATION Of Amalgam 1- Examination:- Before making cavity in patients mouth, we will examine the patient by examination instruments that is there any carious region or only stained area. Examination instruments are: dental mirror, probe/explorer, tweezer. We will use probe to check the caries. If probe moves smoothly on the surface of tooth so it means there is no caries only stained area is there but if probe moves roughly on the surface of tooth it means there is caries and then we will cavity prep. 2- Application Of Matrix band:- Fix the matrix band into tofflimire matrix band retainer . 3- cavity Prep:- Cavity is prepared on the patient’s tooth where carious region is present. Cavity can be of many types i.e. class-I cavity, class-II cavity, class-III, class-IV, class-V. the depth of the cavity is normally 1.5 but mostly it depends on caries. Hand piece is an instrument which is used for cavity prep.
26. 4- Lining:- Lining is done before amalgam filling to protect the pulp b/c amlgam can cause microleakage. It can harm the pulp. Most commonly GIC powder & liquid is used for lining but some time calcium hydroxide is also used. GIC powder & liquid is taken on a glass slab with cement spatula to make a mixture of it for lining. It is applied in cavity for lining by using dycal applicator. Note:-always mix powder in liquid. 5- Mixing / Trituration:- After lining alloy powder & mercury is mixed. Take alloy powder & mercury in mortar and mix it with pestle to make a homogenous mixture. Carry amlgam with amalgam gun and dispense it in cavity for filling. 6- Dispensing Of Amalgam:- 7- Condensation:- After applying or dispensing amlgam into cavity, we have to pack amalgam properly into cavity with the help of condensor.
27. 8- Pre-carve Burnishing:- Pre-carve burnishing is done to bring excessive mercury on surface. 9- Carving:- To remove excessive material with carver and also carving is done to reproduce normal tooth anatomy. 10- Post-carve Burnishing:- It is done to smoothen the surface and finish the surface and to give shine the surface with the help of burnisher. 11- Finishing:- By smoothing the surface and removing excess material. 12- Polishing:- Polishing done by polishing discs.
28. Instruments Used For Cavity Prep:- 1) High speed hand piece 2) Probe 3) Bur 1) 2) 3)
29. Examination Instruments:- 1) Probe(explorer) 2) Tweezer 3) Mouth mirror 1) 2) 3)
30. Instruments used In Amalgam Filling:- 1) Tofflemire matrix band retainer 2) Matrix Band 3) Mortar & pistile 4) Amalgam gun 5) Cement spatula 6) excavator 7) Dycal applicator 8) Fraham’s carver 9) ward’s carver 10) Burnisher 11) Condenser 12) wooden wedge 13) plastic
instrument 14) Alloy 15) Mercury 16) GICpowder & liquid for lining 17) Plastic instrument
BY اللجنة العلمية - كلية طب الأسنان- جامعة إب - USF
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