DOCTOR_FUTURE4 Telegram 48298
🌴English for Yemen🌴
مصطلحـآت طبيـة💉
💊Abdominal Pain ألًٍمٌ فً آلًبِطٌِن
💊Back Pain ٍألًمٍ فْي ٰآلًظٌٍهٌر
💊Headache ٍصٌـــٍـٌِٰدٌآع
💊Dizziness َڈًوْخًٍـــٌٍٰة
💊Leg Pain ٌِألًمٍْ فْي ْآًلٌِسٌٍاْق
💊Foot Pain ٌِألًمٍْ فْي ٰآًلقٰڈٌٍم
💊Arm Pain ألًمِْ فِْي ٌآلًذْرٍْاع
💊Hand Pain ِآلًمٍْ فٌي آًلٌيڈ
💊Elbow Pain ِألًٍمْ فْي ٌآلًٍكٌوع
💊Shoulder Pain ٍْأًلم فِْيٍٰ آًلكتٌٍف
💊Earache ألًمٍ فْيٌٍ آلٌـأذٌِن 💊Toothache ٌآًلمٍْ فٍْي ٰآلٌأٍسنٌٍان
💊Chest Pain ٌٍألًمٍ فٌي ٌٰآًلصٍْدٌر
💊Neck Pain ٌٍألًمٍ فْي آًلرٌقبٌٍٰة
💊Epigastric Pain ٌٍأًلم ٍفًيٍ آًلِمعٍْدة
💊Knee Pain ٌٍأًلمٍ فْي ًآِلًرِكْبٌة
💊Eye Pain ألًمٍ فْيٌٍ آلًٍعيٌٍن 💊Thigh Pain ٍٰأًلمٌٍ فْي آًِلفٌخٍْذ
💊Forehead Pain ٌِأًِلم فْيٌٍ آلًٌجٌِبهٍْة
💊Buttock Pain ٍْأًلم فٌيٍٰ آًلمٍْقعُدِٰة
💊Vomiting ٌتقْـٍٰـيـٌٍؤ
💊Diarrhea ٌٍإٍٰسِهـِْـٍــٌاٰل
💊Cough ِسٌِعْــٍِــٌاًٍل
💊Asthma ٌنـٌوبٌٍةَ ربٍــٌو
💊Constipatio إٍمِْسـٍـٌاًِك
💊Burnً ٍحـِْــٌرٌٍيـٌق
💊Blood ٰآلًـْـٍــٌدٍْم
💊Anxiety ٌِتِــًــٌٍٰوتًِـر
💊Colic ٌٍمٰغًـٍـٰــٌِص
💊Dysuria ٍْعٌسـٌٍْرٍْ آلًِبـوٌل
💊Depression ِْأكٍتًئـِــٌاَِب
💊Circumcision ٍْختًِـــٌٍان
💊Pregnancy حٌٰمـِـٌلٍْ
💊Fever ٰحـًرٌآِرٌة عـٌالٍيـٌٍة
💊Flu ْزگٌـِــٍــًآَِم
💊X-ray ًأَشْعٌـٍة سْينـًٰيٍـة
💊Over Dose ٌٍجِـًرْعة ًٍزآئـٌٍدًة
💊Hernia ٍْفِتْــٍـٌٌِـٌِـق
💊Laceration جِــٌرًٍح
💊Abrasion ًسٌِحًجـٌٍـٰة
💊Stab Wound ٍطٍعًنـِــٌة
💊Gun Shot إطٍْـلٌاْقِ نْآٌٍر
💊Nose Bleeding ٍْنزًيٍفْ مْنٍْ الٌأنٰف
💊P.v Bleeding ٌِنْزيًف ٍمْهٍبلَِي
💊Discharges ٌِأفـًـْـِرٌآَزآَت
💊Fracture گٍْــٰـٍـًٰسٌِر
💊Femur ِعِْظمـًةٍ آلًفِخـْذ
💊Skull ٌٍجمِْــًجِْمــٌة
💊Handicap ٌمٍْقٌعٍـــًِـِد
💊Hemorrhoids ٌٍبـٍْوآَِسٍيـٌر
💊Mania جِنٌــْـٰـٍَوٌِن
💊Contusion گٍــٌِـٌدٍمْـٌِة
💊Fistula ِناٍَسـًـٍْٰـٍوٌر
💊Appendicitis إًلتهٌاٍْب آًلزآئدٌٍة آًلدٍوٌديٌٍْة
💊Sorethroat إلًٰتهآَٰب ٍآلًلوٌِزٌتيِْن
💊Aids َآلٌإيــٌـِـٌـٍدٍْز
💊Cancer ْسٰــٌـٍِـٌرًطآٍَن
💊T.b درًِنْ رٍئـِـٌٰوٌِي
💊C.v.a ٰجلًٍطـِـٌةٍْ بآلًٍـمٍْخ
💊M.i ْجًلطــًِة بآًِلقْلــٌِب
💊D.v.t جلٌطـٌٍْـةِْ بآًلسًٍـاَِق
💊Srtock ِجلًطٍٰـــٌٰة
💊Brucellosis ٍحِْمٌى مآًلٍطْيـٌٍة
💊Diphtheria ِْحٌمٍْى آلًدٍْفٰتيـٌٍرٌيا
💊Leukemia ْسٰـٌِرٍٰطاٍَن ٌآلـًٍدٌٍم
💊Seizure ٌتًِشنٍْـــٌٍج
💊Liver Cirrhosis تلٍيٌفِْ آلٍَگبـٌٍٰد
💊Diabetes مـٌٍرِْض آلًٍسٌِگٍرٌي
💊Lipoma وٌرٍمًِ دٍهًنْـٍٰي
💊Anemia فٍْقـٌِرٌٍ دٌِم
💊Gland غًـٍــِـٌدُِة
💊Insomnia ألٌـِـًأرٍْق
💊Sickle Cell فٍْقٌر آًلِدَِم آًلمِنْجٌلِي
💊Ulcer ٌقًرٍحٌـِـٰـْـٍٰة
💊Hypertention ٍَضْغـٌٍط آلـًٍدِْم
💊Rena Failure فِْشٌـٍٰل گلٍـٌوٌٍي
💊G6pd نقٌِصٍْ آًلخٌميٍْرٰة بِآًلدٍْم
💊Unstable Angina ذبٌٍحِةً صٌٍدرًِية

Last Update:

🌴English for Yemen🌴
مصطلحـآت طبيـة💉
💊Abdominal Pain ألًٍمٌ فً آلًبِطٌِن
💊Back Pain ٍألًمٍ فْي ٰآلًظٌٍهٌر
💊Headache ٍصٌـــٍـٌِٰدٌآع
💊Dizziness َڈًوْخًٍـــٌٍٰة
💊Leg Pain ٌِألًمٍْ فْي ْآًلٌِسٌٍاْق
💊Foot Pain ٌِألًمٍْ فْي ٰآًلقٰڈٌٍم
💊Arm Pain ألًمِْ فِْي ٌآلًذْرٍْاع
💊Hand Pain ِآلًمٍْ فٌي آًلٌيڈ
💊Elbow Pain ِألًٍمْ فْي ٌآلًٍكٌوع
💊Shoulder Pain ٍْأًلم فِْيٍٰ آًلكتٌٍف
💊Earache ألًمٍ فْيٌٍ آلٌـأذٌِن 💊Toothache ٌآًلمٍْ فٍْي ٰآلٌأٍسنٌٍان
💊Chest Pain ٌٍألًمٍ فٌي ٌٰآًلصٍْدٌر
💊Neck Pain ٌٍألًمٍ فْي آًلرٌقبٌٍٰة
💊Epigastric Pain ٌٍأًلم ٍفًيٍ آًلِمعٍْدة
💊Knee Pain ٌٍأًلمٍ فْي ًآِلًرِكْبٌة
💊Eye Pain ألًمٍ فْيٌٍ آلًٍعيٌٍن 💊Thigh Pain ٍٰأًلمٌٍ فْي آًِلفٌخٍْذ
💊Forehead Pain ٌِأًِلم فْيٌٍ آلًٌجٌِبهٍْة
💊Buttock Pain ٍْأًلم فٌيٍٰ آًلمٍْقعُدِٰة
💊Vomiting ٌتقْـٍٰـيـٌٍؤ
💊Diarrhea ٌٍإٍٰسِهـِْـٍــٌاٰل
💊Cough ِسٌِعْــٍِــٌاًٍل
💊Asthma ٌنـٌوبٌٍةَ ربٍــٌو
💊Constipatio إٍمِْسـٍـٌاًِك
💊Burnً ٍحـِْــٌرٌٍيـٌق
💊Blood ٰآلًـْـٍــٌدٍْم
💊Anxiety ٌِتِــًــٌٍٰوتًِـر
💊Colic ٌٍمٰغًـٍـٰــٌِص
💊Dysuria ٍْعٌسـٌٍْرٍْ آلًِبـوٌل
💊Depression ِْأكٍتًئـِــٌاَِب
💊Circumcision ٍْختًِـــٌٍان
💊Pregnancy حٌٰمـِـٌلٍْ
💊Fever ٰحـًرٌآِرٌة عـٌالٍيـٌٍة
💊Flu ْزگٌـِــٍــًآَِم
💊X-ray ًأَشْعٌـٍة سْينـًٰيٍـة
💊Over Dose ٌٍجِـًرْعة ًٍزآئـٌٍدًة
💊Hernia ٍْفِتْــٍـٌٌِـٌِـق
💊Laceration جِــٌرًٍح
💊Abrasion ًسٌِحًجـٌٍـٰة
💊Stab Wound ٍطٍعًنـِــٌة
💊Gun Shot إطٍْـلٌاْقِ نْآٌٍر
💊Nose Bleeding ٍْنزًيٍفْ مْنٍْ الٌأنٰف
💊P.v Bleeding ٌِنْزيًف ٍمْهٍبلَِي
💊Discharges ٌِأفـًـْـِرٌآَزآَت
💊Fracture گٍْــٰـٍـًٰسٌِر
💊Femur ِعِْظمـًةٍ آلًفِخـْذ
💊Skull ٌٍجمِْــًجِْمــٌة
💊Handicap ٌمٍْقٌعٍـــًِـِد
💊Hemorrhoids ٌٍبـٍْوآَِسٍيـٌر
💊Mania جِنٌــْـٰـٍَوٌِن
💊Contusion گٍــٌِـٌدٍمْـٌِة
💊Fistula ِناٍَسـًـٍْٰـٍوٌر
💊Appendicitis إًلتهٌاٍْب آًلزآئدٌٍة آًلدٍوٌديٌٍْة
💊Sorethroat إلًٰتهآَٰب ٍآلًلوٌِزٌتيِْن
💊Aids َآلٌإيــٌـِـٌـٍدٍْز
💊Cancer ْسٰــٌـٍِـٌرًطآٍَن
💊T.b درًِنْ رٍئـِـٌٰوٌِي
💊C.v.a ٰجلًٍطـِـٌةٍْ بآلًٍـمٍْخ
💊M.i ْجًلطــًِة بآًِلقْلــٌِب
💊D.v.t جلٌطـٌٍْـةِْ بآًلسًٍـاَِق
💊Srtock ِجلًطٍٰـــٌٰة
💊Brucellosis ٍحِْمٌى مآًلٍطْيـٌٍة
💊Diphtheria ِْحٌمٍْى آلًدٍْفٰتيـٌٍرٌيا
💊Leukemia ْسٰـٌِرٍٰطاٍَن ٌآلـًٍدٌٍم
💊Seizure ٌتًِشنٍْـــٌٍج
💊Liver Cirrhosis تلٍيٌفِْ آلٍَگبـٌٍٰد
💊Diabetes مـٌٍرِْض آلًٍسٌِگٍرٌي
💊Lipoma وٌرٍمًِ دٍهًنْـٍٰي
💊Anemia فٍْقـٌِرٌٍ دٌِم
💊Gland غًـٍــِـٌدُِة
💊Insomnia ألٌـِـًأرٍْق
💊Sickle Cell فٍْقٌر آًلِدَِم آًلمِنْجٌلِي
💊Ulcer ٌقًرٍحٌـِـٰـْـٍٰة
💊Hypertention ٍَضْغـٌٍط آلـًٍدِْم
💊Rena Failure فِْشٌـٍٰل گلٍـٌوٌٍي
💊G6pd نقٌِصٍْ آًلخٌميٍْرٰة بِآًلدٍْم
💊Unstable Angina ذبٌٍحِةً صٌٍدرًِية


BY اطباء بلا حدود🔬💊💉

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Telegram News

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Channel login must contain 5-32 characters The public channel had more than 109,000 subscribers, Judge Hui said. Ng had the power to remove or amend the messages in the channel, but he “allowed them to exist.” During a meeting with the president of the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) on June 6, Telegram's Vice President Ilya Perekopsky announced the initiatives. According to the executive, Brazil is the first country in the world where Telegram is introducing the features, which could be expanded to other countries facing threats to democracy through the dissemination of false content. Avoid compound hashtags that consist of several words. If you have a hashtag like #marketingnewsinusa, split it into smaller hashtags: “#marketing, #news, #usa. Judge Hui described Ng as inciting others to “commit a massacre” with three posts teaching people to make “toxic chlorine gas bombs,” target police stations, police quarters and the city’s metro stations. This offence was “rather serious,” the court said.
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Telegram اطباء بلا حدود🔬💊💉
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