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21-dars. Hozirgi tugallangan zamon (The twenty first lesson: Present perfect tense)
Present perfect tense zamonining yasalish formulasi:
Positive: S+have/has+V3/Ved
Negative: S+have/has+not+B3/Ved
Question: Have/has+S+V3/Ved
Present perfect tense zamonini yasashda to have fe'lining have/has shakli yordamchi fe'l sifatida qo‘llanilib, 1-shaxs birlik va ko‘plikda have, 3-shaxs birlikda has shakli ishlatiladi.
Present perfect tense'da fe'llarni barchasi V3 va Ved shaklida ishlatiladi.
Present perfect tense zamonining ishlatilish holatlari:
1. O‘tmishda sodir bo‘lgan, ammo natijasi hozirgi zamonda ko‘rinib turgan ish harakatlar uchun present perfect ishlatiladi.
Eg. She has washed her hair.
(natija ko‘rinib turibdi)
2. O‘tmishda sodir bo‘lgan ammo sodir bo‘lgan vaqti aniq ko‘rsatilmagan ish harakatlar uchun ham present perfect ishlatiladi.
Eg. There has been an accident.
(aniq vaqti yo‘q)
Izoh: agarda aniq vaqti berilsa past simple ishlatiladi.
Eg. There was an accident in this street yesterday.
(aniq vaqti bor)
3. Yaqinda sodir bo‘lgan ish harakatlar yoki yangiliklar haqida gapirganimizda present perfect ishlatiladi. Ammo uning detallari: (qanday sodir bo‘lgan, nima bo‘lgan, qayerda bo‘lgan va etc.) haqida gapirganimizda esa past simple va past continuous ishlatiladi.
Eg. The Police have arrested Alex Brown who is the most dangerous thieft in the town. He was stealing the money from a bank when they foun him.
4. Harakat nechi marta yoki qancha miqdorda bajarilganligini aytish uchun ham present perfect ishlatiladi.
a) nechi marta: onece, one time, twice, two times, three times, many times, etc.
Eg. I have played golf three times.
b) qancha miqdorda:
Eg. I have read 30 pages of this book.
5. Quyidagi present perfect zamonida predlog bilan keladigan fe'llarni bir biridan farqi:
a) ... been to - ga bo‘lib qaytgan.
Eg. I have been to Chine, Russia and Turkey in my life.
b)... gone to - ga ketgan.(lekin hali qaytmagan)
Eg. Where is Amanda? She has gone to the shop.
c)... been in - da(biror joyda bo‘lmoq)
Eg. Jill has been in her grandparents' for 2 days.
6. Today, this week, this month, this year, this season etc. kabi ko‘rsatkichlari qatnashgan gapda present perfect ishlatiladi. Bunda ko‘rsatilgan vaqt hali tugamaganligi va ko‘rsatilgan ish harakat natijasi o‘zgarishi mumkin bo‘ladi.
Eg. Jill has looked through 7 letters today.
(bugun hali tugamadi, demak hali yana ish harakat davom etishi mumkin)
7. Quyidagi holatda ham present perfect ishlatiladi.
This /It is the + first time /second time /third time+Present perfect.
Eg. It is the fifth time I have driven a car.
📌Har bir zamonni o‘rganayotganda uning signal so‘zlarini alohida yod oling, shunda zamonni ajratish va qo‘llash oson bo‘ladi.
Thanks everybody. See you soon the next lesson.
@GREEN_GRAMMAR — English with Navbahor
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