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列斯手足連線 YouTube 頻道喺中國國慶前夕被刪除

英國時間2024年9月30日,喺中國國慶即將來臨之際,列斯手足連線喺毫無預警嘅情況下,被知會我哋嘅YouTube頻道已經被刪除。 我哋對YouTube 呢個舉動表示非常不滿同憤怒。

YouTube聲稱我哋嘅頻道違反咗《垃圾內容、欺詐行為和詐騙政策》。然而,我哋嘅影片內容全部都係有關香港民主運動,亦有採訪今屆英國選舉候選人。 呢啲影片根本同垃圾內容、欺詐或者詐騙難以扯上關係。

列斯手足連線對YouTube刪除頻道嘅時間正正喺中國國慶嘅前一日呢一點表示質疑,呢件事嘅意圖不言而喻。 此舉不僅係剝奪我哋嘅言論自由,亦揭露YouTube甘心成為中共打壓異見人士嘅工具。

列斯手足連線在此向YouTube 管理層表達抗議及提出上訴,並要求管理層立即回應以及處理以下要求:

1. 詳細說明判定我哋嘅內容違反《垃圾內容、欺詐行為和詐騙政策》嘅理據,並具體指出邊一段影片嘅邊一項內容被認定為違規。

2. 提供有關投訴嘅詳細信息,包括投訴人數、投訴時間以及投訴內容等。

3. 立即恢復本組織嘅頻道,並為此次錯誤判定作出道歉。

作為香港人權倡議組織,我哋長期面對跨境打壓,承受一個又一個嘅威脅,彷彿已經成為常態。 即使今次嘅事件並非預料之外,但對於YouTube淪為中共政治打壓嘅工具我哋深感失望。

即使係咁,今次嘅事件並唔會令我哋有所卻步。 我哋拒絕噤聲,拒絕打壓。作為面對高牆嘅雞蛋,退縮從來都唔係我哋嘅選擇。中共唔敢公開辯論,反而選擇暗地裏做出小動作,去試圖抹去反對嘅聲音,呢個唔止係懦夫行為,更加突顯佢哋對真相嘅恐懼!


Hongkongers in Leeds YouTube Channel Deleted Ahead of Chinese National Day

On 30th September (UK time), just hours before the Chinese National Day, YouTube deleted our channel without prior warning. Hongkongers in Leeds, the channel owner, is outraged and deeply concerned by this act of censorship.

YouTube claims that our channel violated its spam, deceptive practices, and scams policies, an accusation we firmly reject. Our content is authentic, truthful, and grounded in the real experiences and voices of silenced Hong Kongers. None of this content can reasonably be associated with "spam," "fraud," or "scams."

The removal of our channel is a direct attack on our right to express these critical viewpoints and an indication of YouTube's willingness to act as an enforcer of the Chinese Communist Party in silencing dissidents. We question the timing of YouTube’s decision to censor our platform. We also question whether it is intended to stifle our ability to address key issues on a politically significant date.

We demand transparency from YouTube. We expect a full, detailed explanation of why our channel was removed, including the exact number of reports received and the specific content that was flagged. We call for concrete answers and a proper investigation into why this decision was made just before such a critical date.

As Hong Kong human rights advocates, we have been enduring transnational repression and have consistently received threats through various means for speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses. While we expected such suppression from the CCP, we are deeply disappointed that YouTube is willing to act as a tool of this oppressive regime.

This unjust censorship will not deter us. We refuse to be silenced by YouTube or intimidated by the Chinese Communist Party. This oppression will only make us stronger. We will not be afraid, we will not back down, and we will continue to expose the CCP's human rights violation to the world.

HongKongers in Leeds
“In an Alternate Universe, I Don’t Want to Live in the UK”

Hong Kongers in Leeds proudly presents “In an Alternate Universe, I Don’t Want to Live in the UK”, a powerful and thought-provoking solo theatre piece by independent artist and activist Catherine.

In this captivating 45-minute performance, Catherine shares the poignant and deeply personal story of a Hongkonger’s self-imposed exile to the UK. Through a unique blend of actor-musicianship, she brings to life the emotional journey of migration, exploring why so many Hongkongers have come to the UK, the challenges of integration, and the raw, unspoken grief that often accompanies such a profound change.

This is more than a play—it’s a must-see experience for locals, Hongkongers, and migrants alike, offering a rare and moving insight into a story that is rarely told on stage. Don’t miss the chance to witness a performance that promises to spark conversations and connect communities.

Date: 26 October 24 (Sat)
Time: 14:30-15:30
Ticket fee: £5 (Group discount: £15 for 4 tickets)
Venue: All Hallows Church, 24 Regent Terrace Leeds, LS6 1NP

Registration :
**RSVP. Tickets to be paid for on-site.

列斯手足連線呈獻《In an Alternate Universe, I Don’t Want to Live in the UK》,由獨立藝術家及抗爭者Catherine 創作及主演嘅一個充滿力量同啟發性嘅獨角戲劇作品。



地點:All Hallows Church, 24 Regent Terrace Leeds, LS6 1NP


列斯手足連線 Hong Kongers in Leeds
今日,Leeds South West and Morley 嘅國會議員Mark Sewards MP 參與咗有關BN(O) 簽證、港人在英安全及相關政府服務嘅辯論。

喺辯論上,Mark Sewards MP多番引用列斯手足連線較早前嘅問卷調查,質詢政府官員如何應對中共跨境打壓,以及壓制香港民主自由運動嘅事宜。Mark Sewards MP亦提到政府應該採取更積極嘅措施,應對針對異見人士嘅威脅,令港人能夠自由生活,免受威脅、恐嚇同鎮壓。

列斯手足連線衷心感謝Mark Sewards MP 聆聽香港人嘅需要,並將我哋嘅聲音帶入國會。我哋未來會繼續同Leeds 唔同地區嘅MP 以及Councillor緊密合作,令佢哋更加了解港人嘅情況。


在此我哋再次亦呼籲港人積極同你所屬選區嘅MP 聯繫,充分利用民主制度嘅權益,用你嘅聲音影響政府施政!
Today, Mark Sewards MP, MP for Leeds South West and Morley, participated in a Westminster Hall debate on Visas, security and access to services for Hong Kongers living in the UK.

During the debate, Mark Sewards MP cited our survey, questioning government officials on their plan to tackle the CCP’s transnational repression and its crackdown on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. He also emphasised that the government should take more proactive measures protect dissidents, ensuring that Hong Kongers can live freely, without fear, intimidation, or repression.

@Hongkongers_in_leeds extends our sincere thanks to Mark Sewards MP for listening to the concerns of the Hong Kong community and bringing them to Parliament. We look forward to continuing a close and collaborative relationship with MPs and Councillors across Leeds to further their understanding of the challenges faced by Hong Kongers.

Once again, we encourage all Hong Kongers to engage with your local MP and make the most of your democratic rights.



地點:St Peter’s Square, Manchester

For many, it is common to look back every five or ten years to reminisce and reflect on past events and experiences. Hong Kong was going through turbulent times five years ago in November. There were sieges of two major university campuses - first The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), followed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), alongside countless local self-initiated protests that blossomed across the city.

Without recounting the details of every event, our own experiences or the images we’ve seen repeatedly over the years make it impossible to forget such moments. These powerful memories of Hongkongers courageously fighting back against tyranny should hence serve as reminders, enabling us to carry on stronger in the long run.

“To embrace a different scenery, we must bite the bullets and climb every mountain.”
This is the “Lion Rock Spirit” that Hongkongers take pride on. What does your “Lion Rock Spirit” look like?

Ukraine has shown the world true courage and resilience as a people in the face of authoritarian aggression. They have not stopped showing solidarity with Hongkongers in the midst of civil war and invasion.

In recent years, our enemies have formed a new alliance of global oppression. From the Umbrella Movement to the events of 2019, Ukrainians and Hongkongers have stood side by side, forging a strong connection between the two peoples. Today, Hongkongers continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies on the frontline against tyranny.

Together we stand, the stronger we become.

Hong Kong and Ukraine United Against the Core of Evil
Rally and March
Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 2pm
Location: St Peter’s Square, Manchester

Co-organised by:
Bolton Diggers
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
Bonham Tree
Freedom Card
Hong Kong Aid
Hongkongers in Leeds
Manchester Stands with Hong Kong




記得憤怒 毋忘盼望


What does 23 years and 10 months feel like? What is it like to face a sentence that could mean life imprisonment?

Since 2019, the regime has relentlessly reminded you: the long trials, the indefinite pursuit, all for one goal—silencing dissent.

The Hong Kongers in Leeds calls on everyone to continue supporting those facing political persecution. Whether it's the members of the Dragon-slaying Team or the 45 activists facing trial for the primary election, we must not forget all brothers' and sisters' sacrifices.

We ask everyone to continue caring for our homeland.
Never forget what has happened.
Never forget the names of those who sacrificed.
Remember the anger, but never forget the hope.

We stand firm in our belief that we will liberate Hong Kong, and those who sacrificed will breathe free air once more!

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times!



冤獄一日都嫌多,我哋絕對唔會妥協於暴政之下!請各位列斯港人一齊喺30/11 星期六出嚟Briggate 以默站作無聲抗議,要求立即釋放所有被政治迫害者!唯有堅持到底,先可撼動高牆!

日期:30/11/2024 星期六
地點:Briggate (Santander 外) LS1 6AS
Not Guilty!
The righteous will live, the wicked will perish!
We demand the immediate release of all Hong Kong political prisoners!

Recently, sentences were handed down in the case of the Hong Kong 47, the pro-democracy activists, with punishments ranging from 4 years and 2 months to 10 years, all for their participation in a primary election. For years, Hongkongers have been hindered by an unfair electoral system which prevent the Legislative Council from genuinely reflecting public opinion. The primary elections, an open and transparent coordination mechanism, aimed to break the pro-establishment monopoly on legislative functions and compel the government to take citizens' demands seriously.

If exercising legally-granted rights is deemed a crime, then it’s not just the defendants in the Hong Kong 47 case who are guilty, but also the 600,000 voters who participated, and the 2 million who marched out of love for Hong Kong. Their so-called crime? Disobeying the totalitarian regime!

Even a single day of unjust imprisonment is too much. We will never yield to tyranny! We call on all Hongkongers to join us in silent protest on Saturday, 30th November, at Briggate, to demand the immediate release of all political prisoners. Only by persevering can we bring down these oppressive walls!


- Date: Saturday, 30th November 2024
- Time: 1:00–3:00pm
- Location: Briggate (outside Santander), LS1 6AS
- Note: Please bring your own banners and materials.
2025/02/19 05:09:27
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