Last Update:
12 most important things people should / need to do, if they really want to change the current critical planet situation. Remember, you don't need to be perfect, you just need to do something to stop our climate change issue!
Data is beauty, there is no doubt at all. Reason why r/dataisbeautiful r/MapPorn r/datamaps r/mapporncirclejerk r/Maps r/Map_Porn are cool. But such data is a SERIOUS ISSUE FOR OUR PLANET!!! Another Year of Temperature Record Heat for the Oceans
1) don't buy things you don't need
2) don't trash things in the nature (even your cigarettes!) —> proper recycling
3) don't waste water or other things
4) don't say "we cannot do anything" and take action when you can!
5) love animals, because animals have an important influence to climate changes, just see
and because animals have the same rights to live like humans.
6) don't keep things always on, if you don't use them. Turn such devices off if you can.
BY Meteorology on Telegram by GRT : Meteo / Climatology / Climate Changes / Polar ( Artic / Antarctic ) Scientific Research

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