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With reality based history you imply, everytime you see the expression, that the other side is promoting historical make-believe. With truth in history the other side is painted as demanding that falsehood be taught.
Go and lve someone exactly as they are. Then, watch how they transform into the greatest truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one in instantly empowered.
Earlier we thank our home who has now turned 2 years old. May all sacrifices and struggles be rewarded for our love as family. We hope for NCTU that there may be no more emotions drained in vain, no divisions, and it will always be best for all of us, Thank you for coming all this way.
A lively welcome is arranged, the love and affection we have poured out. For a happy day, let us be grateful for the beginning of our meeting that resulted in such a special moment. We returned to restore the atmosphere and to foster a sense of cooperation and family.
[ #𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢𝗦 ]

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