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The west is dying and along with it, its church.
His Eminence Metropolitan Saba of the Antiochian Archdiocese, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of the Orthodox Church in America, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae of the Romanian Metropolia, and His Grace Bishop Longin of the Serbian Orthodox Church address ABP. Elpidophoros to stop the consecration of the defrocked Belya.

Hopefully more bishops and clergy voice their opposition to this as it would lead to great disunity for the Church in North America and set a terrible example.
‼️Pray for the souls and victims of this catastrophe. 110 have been reported dead and many more have yet to be reported. Theories as to why this started circle around land grabs and the introduction of smart cities. With this they are being provided with little to no help or assistance from the government. Lord have mercy
A forum for the OCA was hosted very recently discussing converts in Orthodoxy. They put in plan to strengthen their activity in local neighborhoods, make better their clergy and laity dynamics, and accepting/integrating convers into the church community.
The survey found (773 paricipants) that most converted after the pandemic seeking a new faith and the majority of recent convers were influenced by websites or podcasts.
As much as many people laugh about the orthosphere on the internet, with good reason, it cannot be denied that it does reach others and influence them. Instead of just laughing at it, change it and don't continue a lot of the "anti ep" or "anti mp" rhetoric. Only speak the truth.
Wait until they find out about Orthodox fasting ever Wednesday and Friday from more than meat 😂
Forwarded from OrthoChristian
Romanian prisoners go on pilgrimage to local monastery to aid social reintegration

The trip for 14 prisoners was organized by the prison’s social reintegration department.
In the middle east as you all are well aware, there is a fight between Hamas and Israel. Hamas is Islamic but should not be compared to isis or al queda. They defend their homeland and are in a war with Israel.
Much propaganda has already been perpetuated by Jews and western media sources alike. Atrocity propaganda has been used in many different wars and with very little if any evidence to back up claims being made, it looks to be happening here too. Israel IS NOT the victim and are seeking genocide. Not only are they hypocrites and murderers but they also worship the devil.
When they crucified Jesus they proclaimed, "His blood is upon us and our children" (Matthew 27:25). Our saints warn us and describe to us many times how they have tried to infiltrate and destroy the church. We should remain loving to both sides in this conflict and pray for peace and God's will to be done. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
Breaking news Israel has bombed the St.Porphyrios Orthodox church in Gaza City. This comes days after they bombed the Al Ahli Hospital leaving over 500 dead. 8 have died so far from the church bombing and that number is expected to rise according to rafa with dozens of injuries. This church was reportedly used at the time to house refugees.
Ukraine chooses to ban the UOC within their state. May God protect all faithful Orthodox Christians in Ukraine.
Forgive us for the late post. The blessed Nativity Fast is currently upon all those who are with the new calendar churches. This is a great time of year for us to turn to God and reflect on our lives. Have we lived according to God's commandments? How have we treated our neighbor? Are we bringing Christ into the world? Lets use this time to repent and reflect on all God has given us and how we can improve in every aspect of our lives.
Consider helping him out!
Merry Christmas to all on the New Calendar! Christ is born, glorify Him! Have a blessed rest of your feast and to all on the Old Calendar, we await God's birth still!
Forwarded from Ukraine Watch
Media is too big
❗️New video has emerged showing Ukrainian activists storming a church in the Vinnitsa region during the morning service and dragging out Orthodox parishioners.

New CCTV footage has emerged showing Ukrainian activists desecrating an Orthodox church in the town of Ladyzhyn in the Vinnitsa region. More than 20 attackers broke into the temple to interrupt the morning service, dragging parishioners out into the cold and chasing them off the premises. The Ukrainian activists used a bulldozer to carry out their atrocities - that's how they broke down the doors of the temple.

Priest Eugene, who was beaten to a bloody pulp by the activists, suffered the most - he appears to be the one being dragged out in the first footage.

Have a blessed Lent! May it be fruitful and full of struggle and joy! Glory to God in all things.
2024/10/20 22:25:39
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