یادت نره كه موندن تو یه رابطه فقط به این دلیل که اونو دوست داری، منطقی نیست. عشق تمام چیزی نیست که بهش نیاز داری؛ تو به احترام، زمانی که برات میذاره، اطمینان، امنیت، خوشبختی و آرامش هم نیاز داری.
یادت نره كه موندن تو یه رابطه فقط به این دلیل که اونو دوست داری، منطقی نیست. عشق تمام چیزی نیست که بهش نیاز داری؛ تو به احترام، زمانی که برات میذاره، اطمینان، امنیت، خوشبختی و آرامش هم نیاز داری.
With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. 1What is Telegram Channels? SUCK Channel Telegram Hui said the messages, which included urging the disruption of airport operations, were attempts to incite followers to make use of poisonous, corrosive or flammable substances to vandalize police vehicles, and also called on others to make weapons to harm police. Telegram has announced a number of measures aiming to tackle the spread of disinformation through its platform in Brazil. These features are part of an agreement between the platform and the country's authorities ahead of the elections in October.
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