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Which TON Wallet to use?
For beginners to TON, it is safe to use @wallet or @CryptoBot or @tonRocketBot for amounts that you will be using. These wallets are tied to your Telegram account, and they control your funds, so do not lose access to your Telegram. These are called "custodial" wallets because they provide the service for you, and you don't need (or even have) the secret keys to the wallet, so an advantage is you don't have the risk of losing access, unless you lose access to your Telegram account, which is not easy to do.
The absolutely safest wallets are the "desktop" wallets on MacOS and Linux. Microsoft is a generally less safe operating system, so having a wallet on there could also have potential risks from hackers. For these wallets you absolutely must write down (in more than one safe place) your 24 passwords that you get when you start the wallet for the first time. If you lose those, you lose access to your funds forever. But the advantage is that you are the only one to have access to it, you don't need to trust the provider (such as with the Telegram wallets). But this is also a disadantage if you don't take care and lose your passwords, there is no help and no way to get access to your wallet ever again. Take care!
As to the most popular wallets - mobile wallets - there are currently three different ones: Tonkeeper, Toncoin, and Tonhub. The safe one to use on mobiles is Toncoin Wallet. Tonkeeper is not recommended due to several bugs which can cause you panic and headache. Absolutely do not use Tonhub (at the time of this writing) because it has some very serious bugs that can easily cause you to lose all your coins.
Yes, we're sorry that it is not more simple, it should be. But remember TON is still in early development in terms of apps. We hope it won't be long before there is a clear winner, for now, in summary do not use Tonhub, you can use the 3 Telegram wallets mentioned above but you are trusting the company, so don't keep all your savings there but what you may use to send to others on Telegram. For mobile wallets, Toncoin Wallet is best, and for desktop wallets, these are safe (if you trust microsoft computers for security, we don't) in which case certainly the MacOS and Linux wallets are safe.
There is one more wallet type, and this is the web wallet: or the Google chrome extension wallet. These are also safe provided no hacker has access to your computer, but again you must take great care to preserve your 24 passwords in writing, not by some photograph or stored on your phone! The browser can easily log you out of your wallet and you cannot get back in without those passwords.
In summary the benefits of TON wallets compared to bank accounts are: direct transfers, no sign up, no identification, no middle men, very low fees.
BY TON Africa
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