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🔰The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 28-02-2022
1.DISCLOSE (VERB): (प्रकट करना): reveal
Synonyms: divulge, tell
Antonyms: conceal
Example Sentence:
They disclosed her name to the press.
2.ABSTRUSE (ADJECTIVE): (गूढ़): obscure
Synonyms: arcane, esoteric
Antonyms: clear
Example Sentence:
She made an abstruse philosophical inquiry.
3.INDUCE (VERB): (कारण बनना): bring about
Synonyms: bring on, cause
Antonyms: prevent
Example Sentence:
None of these measures induced a change of policy.
4.FACTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): truthful
Synonyms: true, accurate
Antonyms: fictitious
Example Sentence:
He backed a mixture of comment and factual information.
5.SORE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ादायक): hurting
Synonyms: hurt, aching
Antonyms: healthy
Example Sentence:
She was suffering from a sore threat.
6.DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:
A woman who defies convention is considered amoral.
7.UNDERMINE (VERB): (क्षीण करना): subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
Your mistakes could undermine years of your hard work.
8.DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease
Synonyms: uneasiness worry
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
There is disquiet in public about elections.
9.IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:
The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
10.DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (असमान): contrasting
Synonyms: different, differing
Antonyms: homogeneous
Example Sentence:
They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.
BY Speedy Lucent GK Tricks📚📝🏆
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