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🔰The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 28-03-2022
1.UNLIKELY (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): improbable
Synonyms: not likely, doubtful
Antonyms: likely
Example Sentence:
He gave an unlikely explanation for his deed.
2.TARNISH (VERB): (मैला करना): sully
Synonyms: besmirch, blacken
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
His regime had not been tarnished by human rights abuses.
3.CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अनादर): disrespect
Synonyms: disregard, slighting
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:
This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority.
4.DESPOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (तानाशाही): autocratic
Synonyms: dictatorial, totalitarian
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
Obeying no law, despotic authority was arbitrary, and its animating spirit was fear.
5.REPRESSION (NOUN): (दमन): suppression
Synonyms: quelling, quashing
Antonyms: freedom
Example Sentence:
Students sparked off events that ended in brutal repression.
6.THRIFTY (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकी): provident
Synonyms: prudent, canny
Antonyms: profligate
Example Sentence:
He had been brought up to be thrifty
7.UPHOLD (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse, sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence:
The court upheld his claim for damages.
8.MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:
He was found guilty of malicious damage.
9.CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (निंदात्मक): censorious
Synonyms: condemnatory, condemning
Antonyms: complimentary
Example Sentence:
I was very critical of the previous regime.
10. ABOMINATION (NOUN): (घृणा): detestation
Synonyms: loathing, hatred
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:
The law faces abomination if it runs against the public interest.
BY Speedy Lucent GK Tricks📚📝🏆
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