‘When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently.
Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning.
Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in. And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness.
We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong.
You are not broken; you are breaking through.’
Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning.
Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in. And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness.
We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong.
You are not broken; you are breaking through.’
you're too young to be stressed about love. chase your dreams, not people.
“You don't beg for attention, when you're not a priority you're not one period.”
You can replace me.
But they can never do what I did for you. All sacrifices, the purest love I could offer.
No one will ever pick you up like I did during your lowest time. We both lost each other.
You lost someone who did evening for you and has pure intentions, while I lost someone who doesn't see my worth.
But they can never do what I did for you. All sacrifices, the purest love I could offer.
No one will ever pick you up like I did during your lowest time. We both lost each other.
You lost someone who did evening for you and has pure intentions, while I lost someone who doesn't see my worth.
Forwarded from 🇵🇸ݺ،الـريّان (ݺ،ريان)
التاريخ مُميز، لكن اليوم عادي .
رمضان مبارك، أعاد الله هذا الشهر الفضيل عليكم جميعاً بالخير واليمن والبركات، وعلى سائر بلاد المسلمين🤍
3| رَمَضَـان
"اللهم إنا نسألك أن تريح قلوبنا، وأن تصرف عنا شتات العقل، والتفكير، ربي إن في قلوبنا أشياء كثيرة، لا يعلمها إلا أنت فحققها لنا يارحيم، يارب فرحه تغير مجرى حياتنا، وخبر جميل نعّجز عن شكرك عليه، اللهم سعادات متتالية لم تكن بالحسبان."
"اللهم إنا نسألك أن تريح قلوبنا، وأن تصرف عنا شتات العقل، والتفكير، ربي إن في قلوبنا أشياء كثيرة، لا يعلمها إلا أنت فحققها لنا يارحيم، يارب فرحه تغير مجرى حياتنا، وخبر جميل نعّجز عن شكرك عليه، اللهم سعادات متتالية لم تكن بالحسبان."
Suffering together, struggling together, not giving up on each other, tolerating each other, knowing how to value each other, that is a true life partner.