📸 #عکس 🔹 لبخند رئیس جمهور به مسئول تشریفات که دستش را در جیب او کرده بود 🔹 اینجا مسئول تشریفات چون بخشی از کاغذ بیرون از جیب بود، آنرا بیرون آورد تا در تصویر مشخص نباشد
📸 #عکس 🔹 لبخند رئیس جمهور به مسئول تشریفات که دستش را در جیب او کرده بود 🔹 اینجا مسئول تشریفات چون بخشی از کاغذ بیرون از جیب بود، آنرا بیرون آورد تا در تصویر مشخص نباشد
Matt Hussey, editorial director of NEAR Protocol (and former editor-in-chief of Decrypt) responded to the news of the Telegram group with “#meIRL.” Although some crypto traders have moved toward screaming as a coping mechanism, several mental health experts call this therapy a pseudoscience. The crypto community finds its way to engage in one or the other way and share its feelings with other fellow members. Developing social channels based on exchanging a single message isn’t exactly new, of course. Back in 2014, the “Yo” app was launched with the sole purpose of enabling users to send each other the greeting “Yo.” It’s yet another bloodbath on Satoshi Street. As of press time, Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market have corrected another 10 percent amid a massive sell-off. Ethereum (EHT) is down a staggering 15 percent moving close to $1,000, down more than 42 percent on the weekly chart. As five out of seven counts were serious, Hui sentenced Ng to six years and six months in jail.
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