فرمانده پیشمرگان اقلیم کردستان: #حاج_قاسم نگذاشت به ناموس کوردها #تجاوز شود ... البته این سخنان یک ایرانی نیست؛ سخنان یک نظامی ایرانی طرفدار حاج قاسم نیست که عدهای بگویند خودشان از خودشان تعریف میکنند، سخنان یک مقام ارشد کورد عراقیست...
فرمانده پیشمرگان اقلیم کردستان: #حاج_قاسم نگذاشت به ناموس کوردها #تجاوز شود ... البته این سخنان یک ایرانی نیست؛ سخنان یک نظامی ایرانی طرفدار حاج قاسم نیست که عدهای بگویند خودشان از خودشان تعریف میکنند، سخنان یک مقام ارشد کورد عراقیست...
With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. Commenting about the court's concerns about the spread of false information related to the elections, Minister Fachin noted Brazil is "facing circumstances that could put Brazil's democracy at risk." During the meeting, the information technology secretary at the TSE, Julio Valente, put forward a list of requests the court believes will disinformation. To delete a channel with over 1,000 subscribers, you need to contact user support You can invite up to 200 people from your contacts to join your channel as the next step. Select the users you want to add and click “Invite.” You can skip this step altogether. During a meeting with the president of the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) on June 6, Telegram's Vice President Ilya Perekopsky announced the initiatives. According to the executive, Brazil is the first country in the world where Telegram is introducing the features, which could be expanded to other countries facing threats to democracy through the dissemination of false content.
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