Last Update:
Kizuna Kernel r14 Stable Build | Mido (4.9.x)
Build Date: July 10, 2022
By: @Nanami337
Linux Kernel : 4.9.322
- Merge latest 4.9.321 linux kernel update from KudProject (For random backport updated on google common), then
merge latest 4.9.322 linux kernel update from google common
- Merge tag 'LA.UM.10.6.2.r1-02200-89xx.0' for kernel, wlan and audio from CAF
- Merge latest srandom drivers with version v1.41 from
- Merge latest wireguard changes with tag '1.0.20220627' from wireguard-linux-compat
- Adapt srandom changes with latest linux update (4.9.320)
- Enable Ultra High Speed Mode for srandom (v1.41)
- Other misc fixes and cleanup
- Switch to SDClang 12.1.4 for kernel compiler
Download Link
- Here
- Do not install this on 3.18 based ROM, or you may face some critical bugs due ROMs incompatibility
- For overclocked build, make sure to install custom powerhint module if you're using Nusantara ROM (It's separated for ppl want to play PUBG or not :p) [Only works with Nusantara ROM from maintainer @suzurui]
- Compatible with android 10 - 12
- Please read here ( if you've any question
- This build actually only upstream build to only maintain source keep updated not included any changes of tweaks, new features or scheduler improvement
- All of that changes or performance changes may only happen cause of source update from google common or CAF
Thanks to:
- Thanks to @lmaoicon and @nE0sIghT for their initial bringup and a ton of device specific fixes on the kernel :3
- Thanks to @DennySPB, @imjyotiraditya, @laststandrighthere & @zeta96 for their EAS bringup, backport & optimization :3
- Big thanks to @NBD_ERICK, @Suzurui & @wldyn for testing & debugging on along the way of this final development
- Thanks to all member that parcitipated in this project that help to solve and fix all the issue for this 4.9 project
#Kizuna #Mido #HANA-CI
BY HANA-CI Project || Channel Release Build
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