Last Update:
November 10, 2024 (14254)
Today, I’m going to conduct a poll by asking random people on the street who comes to mind when they hear the phrase “the greatest thinker”. My goal is not to determine who actually is the greatest thinker; I just want to make sure that my assumption about three levels of psychopolitics makes sense. Since I’m going to conduct the poll in a Russian-speaking city, many streets of which are named after such thinkers as Lenin, Saltikov-Shedrin, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tsiolkovsky, etc., I expect that among three great thinkers everyone names, at least two are going to be Russians. If I could have conducted the poll in the US, I would have gotten different results. However, in both Russia and the US, someone occasionally will drop the name of a Greek, Latin, Chinese, Arabic, French, Spanish, German, etc. thinker.
To understand psychopolitics, it’s necessary to understand how certain thinkers have reached the international level, being translated into the most important languages of psychopolitics. My theory postulates that the greatest thinkers of every language are aware not only of themselves but also of their rivals in other languages and do whatever they can to undermine their influence. The intention to become the greatest thinker is for a language (Russian, Chinese, English) what the instinct of self-preservation is for a person. The system of languages (psychopolitics) is in the state of anarchy. Everybody can make their own languages with specific rules and encourage others to use them by whatever means they think are necessary. Great thinkers who dedicate decades to the development of a particular language and try to preserve the intention to become the greatest thinker intact for centuries, so that after their death, others would be able to pick this intention up and push further their project, are turning in their graves, when their language loses momentum on the international level. This leads to the security dilemma. As one language gains a disproportional share of power on the international level, its greatest thinkers become targets for the greatest thinkers of all other languages.
BY English Science and Literature club🤓✍️📖
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