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Вышел хороший доклад Threado (платформа для комьюнити-менеджмента) о бенчмарках индустрии: Прикрепляю PDF, чтобы вам не надо было заполнять информацию о себе.
Цифры и рекомендации, которые меня заинтересовали:
- About 10% members are retained after 6 months across
communities. Members recognize community value within the first month. Creating personalized engagement points for 2+ months increases retention significantly.
- 17% messages posted in communities are from new members. Recognise new members for completing milestones and small wins. Provide a buddy to nurture and
support newcomers within the community.
- The contribution from your top 2 percentile members can be
as high as 92%. Push the top 8 percentile to engage more and eventually become champions and nurture Top 2 percentile
members to become power members, advocates, evangelists.
BY Content and Community Marketing in Tech
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