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Today marks the 50th anniversary of the end of EO 6102 which made it illegal to own gold in this country.
Executive Order 6102, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 5, 1933, made it illegal for U.S. citizens to “hoard” gold.
This order required individuals to exchange most of their gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates for U.S. dollars at a fixed price of $20.67 per ounce.
The executive order was part of the government’s efforts to combat the Great Depression, stabilize the banking system, and increase the money supply. However, it did not apply to gold jewelry or gold held by certain institutions, such as the Federal Reserve. The order remained in effect until December 31, 1974, when gold ownership was fully legalized again.
Freedom has been nothing more than an illusion.
BY Critical RICE Theory 🧂💡🎣
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