یکی از دوستانی که در دوره خط تحریری ثبت نام کردند آیدی شون پاک شده و نمیتونم پیداشون کنم لطفا به آیدی زیر پیام بدن و دوره را دریافت کنند @parslanguageadmin
یکی از دوستانی که در دوره خط تحریری ثبت نام کردند آیدی شون پاک شده و نمیتونم پیداشون کنم لطفا به آیدی زیر پیام بدن و دوره را دریافت کنند @parslanguageadmin
Telegram Android app: Open the chats list, click the menu icon and select “New Channel.” It’s yet another bloodbath on Satoshi Street. As of press time, Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market have corrected another 10 percent amid a massive sell-off. Ethereum (EHT) is down a staggering 15 percent moving close to $1,000, down more than 42 percent on the weekly chart. Commenting about the court's concerns about the spread of false information related to the elections, Minister Fachin noted Brazil is "facing circumstances that could put Brazil's democracy at risk." During the meeting, the information technology secretary at the TSE, Julio Valente, put forward a list of requests the court believes will disinformation. The court said the defendant had also incited people to commit public nuisance, with messages calling on them to take part in rallies and demonstrations including at Hong Kong International Airport, to block roads and to paralyse the public transportation system. Various forms of protest promoted on the messaging platform included general strikes, lunchtime protests and silent sit-ins. Telegram desktop app: In the upper left corner, click the Menu icon (the one with three lines). Select “New Channel” from the drop-down menu.
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