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— Китчин, Р. (2017). Большие данные, новые эпистемологии и смена парадигм. Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование, (44), 111–152.
— Ло, Д. (2015). После метода: беспорядок и социальная наука.
— Ananny, M. (2023). Making Mistakes: Constructing Algorithmic Errors to Understand Sociotechnical Power. Osiris, 38(1), 223–241.
— Ballatore, A., & Natale, S. (2023). Technological failures, controversies and the myth of AI. In Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 237–244). Edward Elgar Publishing.
— Barassi, V. (2024). Toward a Theory of AI Errors: Making Sense of Hallucinations, Catastrophic Failures, and the Fallacy of Generative AI. Harvard Data Science Review, (Special Issue 5).
— Frické, M. (2015). Big data and its epistemology. Journal of the association for information science and technology, 66(4), 651–661.
— Miller, D. (2021). A theory of a theory of the smartphone. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(5), 860–876.
— Zimmer, M. (2020). "But the data is already public": on the ethics of research in Facebook. In The ethics of information technologies (pp. 229–241). Routledge.