“[The defendant] could not shift his criminal liability,” Hui said. Telegram Android app: Open the chats list, click the menu icon and select “New Channel.” The initiatives announced by Perekopsky include monitoring the content in groups. According to the executive, posts identified as lacking context or as containing false information will be flagged as a potential source of disinformation. The content is then forwarded to Telegram's fact-checking channels for analysis and subsequent publication of verified information. The public channel had more than 109,000 subscribers, Judge Hui said. Ng had the power to remove or amend the messages in the channel, but he “allowed them to exist.” Ng, who had pleaded not guilty to all charges, had been detained for more than 20 months. His channel was said to have contained around 120 messages and photos that incited others to vandalise pro-government shops and commit criminal damage targeting police stations.
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