IP-адреса и номера телефонов пользователей Telegram, нарушающих правила мессенджера, могут быть переданы соответствующим органам в ответ на обоснованные запросы, сообщил Дуров.
🗣Инсайды от лиц, принимающих решения, и ведущих экспертов в области международной политики. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ
IP-адреса и номера телефонов пользователей Telegram, нарушающих правила мессенджера, могут быть переданы соответствующим органам в ответ на обоснованные запросы, сообщил Дуров.
🗣Инсайды от лиц, принимающих решения, и ведущих экспертов в области международной политики. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ
Channel login must contain 5-32 characters As of Thursday, the SUCK Channel had 34,146 subscribers, with only one message dated August 28, 2020. It was an announcement stating that police had removed all posts on the channel because its content “contravenes the laws of Hong Kong.” With the sharp downturn in the crypto market, yelling has become a coping mechanism for many crypto traders. This screaming therapy became popular after the surge of Goblintown Ethereum NFTs at the end of May or early June. Here, holders made incoherent groaning sounds in late-night Twitter spaces. They also role-played as urine-loving Goblin creatures. Telegram is a leading cloud-based instant messages platform. It became popular in recent years for its privacy, speed, voice and video quality, and other unmatched features over its main competitor Whatsapp. The administrator of a telegram group, "Suck Channel," was sentenced to six years and six months in prison for seven counts of incitement yesterday.
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