Последнее время появились вопросы от ребят, которые хотят организовать ФНБ у себя в городе, поэтому мы выпустили инструкцию! В ней мы пробежались по азам организации и рассказали о своём опыте. Всем добра!
Последнее время появились вопросы от ребят, которые хотят организовать ФНБ у себя в городе, поэтому мы выпустили инструкцию! В ней мы пробежались по азам организации и рассказали о своём опыте. Всем добра!
Telegram offers a powerful toolset that allows businesses to create and manage channels, groups, and bots to broadcast messages, engage in conversations, and offer reliable customer support via bots. The group also hosted discussions on committing arson, Judge Hui said, including setting roadblocks on fire, hurling petrol bombs at police stations and teaching people to make such weapons. The conversation linked to arson went on for two to three months, Hui said. The public channel had more than 109,000 subscribers, Judge Hui said. Ng had the power to remove or amend the messages in the channel, but he “allowed them to exist.” In the “Bear Market Screaming Therapy Group” on Telegram, members are only allowed to post voice notes of themselves screaming. Anything else will result in an instant ban from the group, which currently has about 75 members. Choose quality over quantity. Remember that one high-quality post is better than five short publications of questionable value.
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