🇹🇷 Хакан Чалханоглу не принял участие во вчерашней тренировке сборной Турции, отсутствие полузащитника "Интера" было решено штабом Винченцо Монтеллы в качестве меры предосторожности.
🇹🇷 Хакан Чалханоглу не принял участие во вчерашней тренировке сборной Турции, отсутствие полузащитника "Интера" было решено штабом Винченцо Монтеллы в качестве меры предосторожности.
So far, more than a dozen different members have contributed to the group, posting voice notes of themselves screaming, yelling, groaning, and wailing in various pitches and rhythms. It’s yet another bloodbath on Satoshi Street. As of press time, Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market have corrected another 10 percent amid a massive sell-off. Ethereum (EHT) is down a staggering 15 percent moving close to $1,000, down more than 42 percent on the weekly chart. Telegram Channels requirements & features For crypto enthusiasts, there was the “gm” app, a self-described “meme app” which only allowed users to greet each other with “gm,” or “good morning,” a common acronym thrown around on Crypto Twitter and Discord. But the gm app was shut down back in September after a hacker reportedly gained access to user data. Activate up to 20 bots
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