Ukraina Mudofaa vazirligi ana shunday zarlavhali video e'lon qildi. Bu bilan ko'p oylardan beri kutilayotgan yalpi qarshi hujum (kontrnastuplenie) tez orada boshlanishi yoki allaqachon boshlanganini tushunish mumkin.
Frontda kelayotgan xabarlarda esa Ukraina armiyasi allaqachon harakatga tushgani aytilmoqda. Demak kelayotgan kunlar xabarlarga boy bo'ladi. Biz esa o'zgarishlarni albatta birga muhokama qilib boramiz.
Ukraina Mudofaa vazirligi ana shunday zarlavhali video e'lon qildi. Bu bilan ko'p oylardan beri kutilayotgan yalpi qarshi hujum (kontrnastuplenie) tez orada boshlanishi yoki allaqachon boshlanganini tushunish mumkin.
Frontda kelayotgan xabarlarda esa Ukraina armiyasi allaqachon harakatga tushgani aytilmoqda. Demak kelayotgan kunlar xabarlarga boy bo'ladi. Biz esa o'zgarishlarni albatta birga muhokama qilib boramiz.
Judge Hui described Ng as inciting others to “commit a massacre” with three posts teaching people to make “toxic chlorine gas bombs,” target police stations, police quarters and the city’s metro stations. This offence was “rather serious,” the court said. Select “New Channel” For crypto enthusiasts, there was the “gm” app, a self-described “meme app” which only allowed users to greet each other with “gm,” or “good morning,” a common acronym thrown around on Crypto Twitter and Discord. But the gm app was shut down back in September after a hacker reportedly gained access to user data. 2How to set up a Telegram channel? (A step-by-step tutorial) A Telegram channel is used for various purposes, from sharing helpful content to implementing a business strategy. In addition, you can use your channel to build and improve your company image, boost your sales, make profits, enhance customer loyalty, and more.
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