«Я с тобой не боюсь ни дождя, ни огня Если с края сорвусь — ты подхватишь меня Я с тобой не боюсь ветра и темноты И врагов не боюсь, потому что есть ты…»
«Я с тобой не боюсь ни дождя, ни огня Если с края сорвусь — ты подхватишь меня Я с тобой не боюсь ветра и темноты И врагов не боюсь, потому что есть ты…»
With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. Private channels are only accessible to subscribers and don’t appear in public searches. To join a private channel, you need to receive a link from the owner (administrator). A private channel is an excellent solution for companies and teams. You can also use this type of channel to write down personal notes, reflections, etc. By the way, you can make your private channel public at any moment. Some Telegram Channels content management tips So far, more than a dozen different members have contributed to the group, posting voice notes of themselves screaming, yelling, groaning, and wailing in various pitches and rhythms. The main design elements of your Telegram channel include a name, bio (brief description), and avatar. Your bio should be:
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