✅Qo'rquv-bu biz yashayotgan dunyoga ishonchsizlikdir.
✅Qo'rquvi yuqori odamni qoni quyuqlashishni boshlaydi, va qon bosimi ko'tariladi.
✅Qo'rquv eng halokatli dastur hisoblanadi, sababi biz qo'rqganizda xissiyotlarga berilib ketamiz miyada jangga kirishamiz yo'q bo'lgan narsalarni o'ylab, shu o'ylab qo'rqgan narsalarimiz hayotimizga kirishni boshlaydi
✅Ko'p odamlar dunyodan yomonlikni kutishadi, va kutganlarini olishadi.
✅O'zingizni koinotdagi eng himoyalanga mavjudot deb xis qiling
✅Haqiqiy iymonsizlik johildan qo'rqishdir.
📎Sizda qanaqa qo'rquvlar bor va qo'rquvlarizzi yo'qotishni istaysizmi?
✅Qo'rquv-bu biz yashayotgan dunyoga ishonchsizlikdir.
✅Qo'rquvi yuqori odamni qoni quyuqlashishni boshlaydi, va qon bosimi ko'tariladi.
✅Qo'rquv eng halokatli dastur hisoblanadi, sababi biz qo'rqganizda xissiyotlarga berilib ketamiz miyada jangga kirishamiz yo'q bo'lgan narsalarni o'ylab, shu o'ylab qo'rqgan narsalarimiz hayotimizga kirishni boshlaydi
✅Ko'p odamlar dunyodan yomonlikni kutishadi, va kutganlarini olishadi.
✅O'zingizni koinotdagi eng himoyalanga mavjudot deb xis qiling
✅Haqiqiy iymonsizlik johildan qo'rqishdir.
📎Sizda qanaqa qo'rquvlar bor va qo'rquvlarizzi yo'qotishni istaysizmi?
In handing down the sentence yesterday, deputy judge Peter Hui Shiu-keung of the district court said that even if Ng did not post the messages, he cannot shirk responsibility as the owner and administrator of such a big group for allowing these messages that incite illegal behaviors to exist. The channel also called on people to turn out for illegal assemblies and listed the things that participants should bring along with them, showing prior planning was in the works for riots. The messages also incited people to hurl toxic gas bombs at police and MTR stations, he added. The group’s featured image is of a Pepe frog yelling, often referred to as the “REEEEEEE” meme. Pepe the Frog was created back in 2005 by Matt Furie and has since become an internet symbol for meme culture and “degen” culture. A new window will come up. Enter your channel name and bio. (See the character limits above.) Click “Create.” A Hong Kong protester with a petrol bomb. File photo: Dylan Hollingsworth/HKFP.
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