Last Update:
24-26 yanvar kunlari New Uzbekistan University'da har yili o‘tkaziladigan Open Data Challenge xakatoni bo‘lib o‘tadi. Siz bu yerda ochiq ma’lumotlardan foydalangan holda innovatsion yechimlar yarata olasiz!
- Davlat sektori
- Biznes
- Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurash
- Ijtimoiy soha
- Ko‘nikmalarni oshirish imkoniyati
- Ajoyib loyihalar ustida jamoaviy ish
- Eng yaxshi yechimlar uchun mukofotlar
Barcha xohlovchilar! Yakka tartibda yoki jamoa bilan (3 kishigacha) ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.
24-dekabr: Davlat sektori
26-dekabr: Biznes
7-yanvar: Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurash
9-yanvar: Ijtimoiy soha
17-yanvar: Ochiq ma’lumotlar bilan ishlash (oflayn mahorat darsi)
Texnologiyalar kelajagi uchun hissa qo‘shing va o‘z iste’dodingizni ko‘rsating!
🚀 Join the Open Data Challenge!
From January 24 to 26, the annual Open Data Challenge hackathon will take place at the New Uzbekistan University. This is your chance to create innovative solutions using open data!
- Public Sector
- Business
- Anti-Corruption
- Social Sector
- Opportunities to enhance your skills
- Teamwork on exciting projects
- Prizes for the best solutions
Everyone is welcome! Register individually or with a team (up to 3 members).
December 24: Public Sector
December 26: Business
January 7: Anti-Corruption
January 9: Social Sector
January 17: Open Data Workshop (offline)
🗓 Registration deadline: January 20, register now via the link
Contribute to the future of technology and showcase your talent!
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