Last Update:
The protests in Suwayda, which reached their peak in 2023, were initiated by the Mukhabarat (the vast security system of old Syria). The goal is trivial - to take control of the province.
You see, in old Syria, the military, political, state, air force units of the mukhabarat were in almost every province, but only one of them was considered to be in charge.
For example, the state mukhabarat was responsible for the province of Suwayda. At that time, the military mukhabarat department was simultaneously responsible for both the province of Suwayda and the province of Daraa, but only in Daraa it was the main one.
Incidentally, it was the military mukhabarat that was responsible for the 8th Brigade.
But what does it mean to be in charge in a province? It means getting bribes at all checkpoints, controlling smuggling routes and being able to collect money from local businesses.
So the military Mukhabarat of Daraa decided to take charge in the province of Suwayda as well.
As a result, agreements were reached with a number of Druze community leaders in Suwayda, who began protesting.
But the state Mukhabarat also found a way out. They had the Men of Dignity movement under their control, which helped steer the protests in the right direction.
That's what I'm talking about. The ramified system of security agencies eventually led to constant conflicts within the system and, as a consequence, overshadowed the duty to serve the state.