التحدي عبارة عن إنك تكتب وترسل لي كلمة "وعد" @Aliaa911_bot وأنا ح اطلب منك الإلتزام بـ عادة دينية بسيطة لمدة أسبوع و كدا بتكون وعدت نفسك تنفذها ، لعلّ وعسى تصبح عاده دائمة💙🌸 "
التحدي عبارة عن إنك تكتب وترسل لي كلمة "وعد" @Aliaa911_bot وأنا ح اطلب منك الإلتزام بـ عادة دينية بسيطة لمدة أسبوع و كدا بتكون وعدت نفسك تنفذها ، لعلّ وعسى تصبح عاده دائمة💙🌸 "
Telegram is a leading cloud-based instant messages platform. It became popular in recent years for its privacy, speed, voice and video quality, and other unmatched features over its main competitor Whatsapp. With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. Hui said the messages, which included urging the disruption of airport operations, were attempts to incite followers to make use of poisonous, corrosive or flammable substances to vandalize police vehicles, and also called on others to make weapons to harm police. How to Create a Private or Public Channel on Telegram? According to media reports, the privacy watchdog was considering “blacklisting” some online platforms that have repeatedly posted doxxing information, with sources saying most messages were shared on Telegram.
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